Chapter 8

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It was 20:20 when Miranda had arrived, Andrea heard the door being opened and she ran downstairs. Miranda had a surprisingly weird calm look on her face.

"Hey, Miranda.. he's in eh, the kitchen. How are you feeling?"

"That's all i needed to know" she said and walked towards the kitchen. She closed the door behind her.

Andrea was confused, she was a part of her life now right? Or wasn't she? Was she just thinking she actually loved her? No what the hell was she doing, this had nothing to do with her, this was about Stephen and Miranda. She knows Miranda barely talks abt her past and she understood the decision by closing the door. After all, it wasn't any of her business.


"Stephen, what are you doing in my house without me giving you consent to be here?"

"Well, a lovely evening to you too miranda, you look stunning as always" he said and winked at her.

"Oh for Christs sake just tell me why you're here" Miranda said without raising her voice, that's something she'd never do. She's not going to give him the satisfaction by showing her emotions.

"I read the newspaper Miranda" he said annoyed.

"Yeah okay? And? What do you need from me"

"Is it true? Andrea, your bloody assistant. Are you out of your fucking mind? Are you that fucking desperate for someone to care about you that you are with just a sad scared girl who WORKS for you, miranda?" He said more mad now than before, he slowly walked towards her pointing at her, looking at her up and down.

"Stephen that's none of your business. You may leave now. No even better, you MUST leave now"

"I don't need to do a bloody thing for you miranda, it just hurts, that after the divorce you went to someone else so quickly!" He yelled and stood in front of her.

Miranda remained calm, "it was a year ago Stephen, don't act like you didn't found another woman. And you didn't even.. you didn't even.." she couldn't say it, she couldn't pronounce it. It hurts.

"I didn't what? Love you? I did Miranda! You were great you were everything i needed, i loved you, I married you and we had kids. I still love you Miranda" he took her hand.

Miranda was in shock, "you don't and you didn't Stephen." She snatched her hand away from Stephens grip.

"Miranda just listen to me, i thought things changed, and they did but I realised i am okay with it, I realised it didn't really matter. You're a workaholic that's for sure, i wanted to spend more time with you but you weren't there for me.. that's why i divorced you Miranda. I think we still have a chance together"

Miranda was raging with hatred now, "Stephen what do you want from me, if it's money just ask me don't ask me to take you back. You clearly didn't love me the last months we were together. Stephen you crossed lines, you abused me!" She was yelling now, a tear ran down her face. "I love someone else just accept it" she realised what she had said and her hand flew to her mouth, "fuck" she mumbles.

Stephen was mad at her, he wanted to be with her, no one else could get this privilege. He didn't even know why he cared now, maybe he was jealous. Did he truly love Miranda? No not really. Did he loved the attention and money? Yes he did. He needed to get her back. She was once his, it could be like that again.

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