Chapter 9

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The sachs took place at the dinner table, Miranda served the food and sat down.

"I hope you'll both enjoy the food" Miranda said firmly trying not to break.

"So.." Andy's mom said trying to start a conversation. "You have 2 kids right?"

"Yes, i do. Cassidy and Caroline they're my twins. Lovely sweet smart girls"

"Let's hope they don't turn out to be like their mother" Richard said without any shame or sense of guilt.

Miranda stared at him. "Do not dare to speak about my girls like that" she narrowed her eyes.

"Dad please, at least try to accept it. I won't change"

Her dad slammed on the table with his fork, Miranda was in shock.

"Andrea I won't fucking accept this!" He yelled.

"Mr. Sachs, that table is worth over $50.000 please don't damage it" Miranda was furious, they came in HER house, destroying HER things.

"I don't think that money will be the problem Priestly!" Andrea's dad spat out.

Andrea was so mad, her hands were fists under the table. "Dad that's ENOUGH"

Miranda didn't eat anything at all, she stood up and excused herself for a little while. "I have to adjust my make-up I'll be right back"

When she was out of the kitchen Richard turned to Andrea. "Adjust her make-up" he mocked. "Why for gods sake would she"

Andrea was so done with her parents. "Dad what do you think? She's adjusting her make-up? No she's probably crying because of you two"

"Yeah sure, the cold old dragon lady doesn't feel emotion how would she be able to cry"

"Mom and dad, if you came here to upset Miranda then you succeeded, just fucking leave. You have no idea how hard she tried to do everything right today. She was already nervous about you two coming here and you've only been mad at her. She really tried and yet it's not enough. GROW UP!" She yelled at them and left the kitchen.

Suddenly her mother took her by her wrist. "Andy, we just you to he happy, Nate was such a lovely boy"

Andrea pulled her arm away from her, "i am happy, and Nate was not!" She ran off and went in search of Miranda.

"Miranda darling, where are you?" She asked loudly while walking through the hallway.

"In here" she was sobbing inside of the study room. Andrea went to her and took her in her arms, "I'm so sorry, you don't deserve this after Stephen, i hoped my parents were kinder to you" she stroke her cheek and kissed her hair. Miranda didn't want to cry but she couldn't stop it. "Andrea, we have to make this work, i don't want you to lose your parents support and the love they have for you"

"Miranda don't cry darling, I don't care. All i want is to be with you. If they hate me then it is that way, I'd never leave you"

Andrea kissed her lips and could taste the tears which had ran down her face. They heard someone cough. She turned around and saw it was her mother.

"Mom, what the fuck, how long have you been standing there" Miranda quickly got herself together and wiped her eyes clean and put on her cold poker face again and stood up.

"I've stood here long enough to ehm realise that.. i ehm, we've been too harsh"

Andrea just rolled her eyes, "clearly"

"Andrea, we love you, we were worried about you. But I've seen how you care about her and how she cares about you. We shouldn't have acted like that. Your dad has a hard time accepting this. Just so you know"

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