One: Where the hell am I!?

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b-bee-beepbeEPBEEP BEEP BE-CrashThe clock slammed against the wall, placing a large hole in the drywall

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The clock slammed against the wall, placing a large hole in the drywall. A set of eyes opened with reluctance. Blinking as they were flooded with sun light coming from the uncovered windows.

A figure who was recently fast asleep, slowly rose to a sitting position.

"ugh," a deep and raspy groan escaped from the tired figure.

"what, what time is it?" they softly spoke finishing with a loud yawn. They slowly moved out of the bed, shivering at the sudden change in temperature.

As their eyes slowly adjusted to the light they finally took a look around, suddenly realizing their situation.

"AHHHH!!" they fell to the ground with a loud thud, this wasn't their room, this wasn't their house, and by looking at the technology around the room this definitely wasn't their era.

They scrambled up in a panic, they spun around a couple of times, and even have themselves a couple of hard slaps to the face to try and tell themselves that this was all a dream.

It wasn't

No matter how hard they slapped themselves, no matter how hard they pinched their arm they wouldn't wake up. Realizing what situation they might be in they rush to find a mirror, finding one in the bathroom. They let out a relived sigh as they were still the same physically.

Same (s/c), same (h/l) (h/c), same (e/c). It was all the same as they remembered it.

"(y/n) time for school lets go!!" A woman's voice could be heard from below them.

(y/n), right that's my name, but who just called me? They stepped out of the bathroom and towards the do of their "room".

As they placed their hand on the doors handle...


A throbbing pain came from their nose, as well as a wet substance. The culprit behind the door started to panic when they saw blood falling from (y/n)s nose.

"Oh sh*t!!" The same voice they heard for downstairs called out.

'Who was this woman?'

The woman grabbed (y/n)s face to get a better look at the damage. (y/n) looked at her in confusion as she let out a relived sigh "Ok its not that bad you'll be fine." As the lady looked (y/n) in the eyes she could see the confusion swimming around.

"  As the lady looked (y/n) in the eyes she could see the confusion swimming around

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