Two: I guess were friends

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When the group looked in (y/n)s direction, they quickly looked down at their feet

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When the group looked in (y/n)s direction, they quickly looked down at their feet.

"(y/n) what are you doing, get over here!!" Tatum yell at them, getting the attention of a couple passerby's. (y/n) could feel they eyes burning in to them when they shuffled over towards the group. (y/n) was still staring at their shoes, in the awkward silence before looking up and giving a small wave.

"Dude, what are you acting like that for?" A tall man exclaimed throwing his arms around (y/n) in a side hug.

Tatum replied to him "They've been acting like this all day, they asked me who I was this morning."

(y/n)s face turned red feeling a little ashamed for some reason. "Well that's no good, but whatever ill take care of it!" the tall man who still had his arms around them laughed in response

"Well (y/n) that's your sister Tatum," he said pointing at Tatum. " That's Sidney, Tatum's best friend and her boyfriend Billy, say hi!" He called out to them as they both waved at (y/n).

"Over there's Randy, he's a horror nerd, I would stay away so you don't get his nerd disease." He tried to whisper to (y/n) but everyone heard it.

"Hey, I don't have a nerd disease. you have" Randy tried to make a comeback but he couldn't.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. And you can call me dadd-" tall man's sentence was stopped when Tatum hit him in the back of the head.

"Oh shut up, don't say that to my sibling." she said while shaking her head "That's Stu, don't listen to him... ever." and she sounded completely serious.

"Wait, dude what happened to your face?" Stu said with wide eyes. (y/n) reached their had up to touch their face before they could the bell rang and everyone started to head inside.

Tatum thought for a minute before grabbing (y/n)s hand and dragging them to a class room which they could only assume it their class due to what Tatum said next, "Ok since that door really did a number on you, which were not gonna tell Dewey about," she whispered the last part. "One of us is gonna come get you after every class to take you to the next one, alright?" she said looking at (y/n).

(y/n) nodded to what Tatum had said, Before Tatum left to go to her class she grabbed (y/n)s face between her hands and gave them a peck on the forehead. (y/n)s face scrunched at the kiss.

"Have a good day, ill see you at lunch." she said with a smile. (y/n) watched as Tatum walked away, then turned in to the class before finding a place to sit.

No one really looked in their direction so they just waited quietly for the teacher to come in. Not long after the well dressed woman entered the room and she looked mean.

"Hello students" she said with a stern voice and sharp eyes as she looked around.

"Hello, Ms. Rosier," replied all the students already tired of her, (y/n) tried to silently copy all the other students words. Ms. Rosier looked around the room and stopped on (y/n)s faces before turning to start the lesson. (y/n) let out a breath they didn't even know they were holding as the teacher stopped looking at them.

The rest of the class went by smoothly, (y/n) didn't know how they knew the material but they were just happy they knew it so when ever the teacher called on them they could answer with minimal attention. The bell rang signaling that the class period had ended and they were on to the next class. As everyone left the room the teacher called out (y/n). They stopped immediately thinking they were in trouble.

"Here." Ms. Rosier handed them a piece of paper. (y/n) looked at it in confusion and the teacher could tell.

"Its a pass to the nurse for that bruise on your face." she said with an emotionless voice. (y/n) just held it with a soft smile for what the teacher was doing for them. The teacher noticed that they were still in the room and told them to get out. (y/n) ran out of the room before coming back.

"Thank you." (y/n) said before running out of the room to go and find the nurses office. The teacher looked at the door way for a minute before letting out a soft chuckle and getting ready for her next class.

(y/n) finally found the nurse after being trapped in the horde of teens. They made their way in with the pass in hand, the knocked on the open door to get the nurses attention.

"Hello how can I-OH MY GOD!!!!" the nurse screamed at the bruise on (y/n)s face. The nurse grabbed their hand and sat them down before rushing to get an ice pack. The nurse handed them the ice and stared to question them.

"Are you okay? Did you get in a fight? Who was it?" the nurse asked them question after question. (y/n) held up there hand to get the nurses attention.

"I'm okay and I just fell down this morning." they tried to reassure the nurse that they were fine they just needed some ice. The nurse gave them a skeptical look but just gave them a new pass for there class in case they were late.

(y/n) waved goodbye to the nurse as they left the office only to run in to a panicked looking Sidney. They forgot that someone was gonna come get them after every class.

"(y/n) there you are I was worried sick I was waiting for you in front of your class and the teacher told me you were at the nurses." she panted out. (y/n) looked down in shame and explained to Sidney what happened. She noticed that (y/n) looked liked a kicked puppy with their head down. Sidney placed a hand on top of their head giving it a quick ruffle.

"Its okay, just next time just wait for one of us and well take you." She said with a smile. (y/n) looked up at her feeling a little better, and gave her a wide grin. Sidney chuckles at the look on (y/n)s face before talking their hand and bringing them to their next class.

Hello, author herethis is the first time i've ever written anything like this so i hope you like itHave a nice day/afternoon, don't forget to drink water and have something to eatLove u<3

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Hello, author here
this is the first time i've ever written anything like this so i hope you like it
Have a nice day/afternoon, don't forget to drink water and have something to eat
Love u<3

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