Twelve: Myers house?

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(TW: Physical violence, knives)

(y/n) was on another bus as the trip was so long it took multiple rides, but it was for their safety

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(y/n) was on another bus as the trip was so long it took multiple rides, but it was for their safety. Dewey had so graciously given them some money and told them he would send some every month.

"LASTS STOP, HADDONFILED!!" the driver called out which brought (y/n) out of their daze, they quickly grabbed all their stuff and gave the driver a small nod and a 'thank you' as the hopped off. They had to find a place to stay as the sun was starting to go down painting they sky in oranges and blues. (y/n) walked down the sidewalk when they noticed a flyer on a pole.

'Room available, 200 a month' (y/n) looked in shock at the price.

'What happened here that made it so cheap?' they thought as they took the flyer. They read it over and pulled out their phone but it wouldn't turn on so they stopped by a telephone booth to ask about it.

"Hello?" The voice of a man picked up the phone, he had a bitter tone that could clearly be heard.

"Yeah hi... i wanted to ask about the empty room." (y/n) looked at the paper again to make sure they were asking about the right thing.

"Oh yeah, you wanna get it?" He sighed like they had just interrupted something 'important'.

'No i just asked for sh*ts and giggles' but they weren't gonna say that when they needed a place.

"Uh...yes, is there a way you can meet me there?" they spoke cautiously hoping the man would be willing to meet with them.

"...Yeah... just meet me there ill be there at some point." he grumbled out and quickly hung up the phone.

'Okay, rude.'

(y/n) placed the phone back when they realized they have no idea when the house is. They stood out side the booth contemplating what they should do, but a group of young adults were walking in their direction. (y/n) stopped the group before they passed by.

"Excuse me I'm new to town, do you now how to get to this address?" (y/n) asked as politely as they could muster up.

"Of course, but why are you going there? a brunette asked slowly giving (y/n) a light glare of suspicion.

"I found a flyer for a room and i really need one" they spoke softly with hesitation at the tension. Her gaze softened slightly but it still held.

"Dude you cant get a room there, thats the Myers house" a man runs in front of them and walks backwards.

"The Myers house?" (y/n) questioned. The group looked at them like they had two heads.

"You don't know the Myers house, have you been living under a rock, how do you not know, everyone knows abo-" the guy was cut off from his ranting when a blonde elbowed him in the stomach.

"Paul leave them alone, they said they weren't from here. Don't mind him well take you there." the blonde pulled them along and introduce herself as Laurie and the brunette as Annie, (y/n) had just learned the mans name but if formally introduced himself after.

"Right, I'm (y/n)" They were walking in in awkward silence when (y/n) broke it

"So, whats the Myers house." they asked

"Its the house of a kid who murdered his sister, his name was Michael Myers." Laurie explained "No one likes to go inside." (y/n) nods at her words. They continue walking when they reach what looks to be quite an old looking house.

" This is it, i mean if it doesn't work out we can help you find a place to stay." Laurie told them as the others walked away.

"Thank you for the help, I really appreciate it." (y/n) smiled in gratitude, and she left to follow her friends. (y/n) turned away to look at the house, when a tall man, who looked quite unkempt, came over to them.

"What do you think your doing here?" he said with quite a bit of aggression.

"Um, I'm waiting for someone."(y/n)s eyes looking every where but at the man.

"No your not, YOUR LYING!! YOU'VE BEEN CALLED BY THE DEVIL, AND IM NOT HAVIN' IT IN MY TOWN AGAIN!!" he screamed at the top if his lungs at them, when he pulled out a knife.

(y/n) tried to run but they didn't get far when they were tackled to the ground, (y/n)s head slammed into the ground, dazing them. the man continued to scream but they couldn't hear anything but a ringing in their ears. The man above them held the knife over their head, as he was about to plunge it into their skull a boost of adrenaline flowed through their body.

One hand in front of their face and one grabbing the mans wrist. the knife stabbed right through their palm still close to their head but the other stopped his arms from moving forward anymore. Unfortunately they turned their head in instinct and scratched their cheek. They pulled their legs up to the man's chest pushing him away making him let go of the knife and making him get off of (y/n).

(y/n) pulled the knife from their palm in the midst of their adrenaline rush, and turned the knife against the man. They panted as they gripped the knife with both hands staring at the man on guard.

The staring contest was broken when the sounds of sirens drew closer. (y/n) quickly stepped back when he lunged, swiping at them. The police hopped out of their cars and started to chase the man as he ran away yelling profanities and unsettling things at (y/n).

"IM GONNA KILL YOU, IM GONNA F*CK YOU UP AND MURDER YOU, DEVIL..." the yelling became faint as he ran into the woods, police in pursuit. Medical personnel came up to (y/n) explaining who they were and if they were okay. They put a bandage over (y/n)s face and decided to take them to the hospital for their hand.

"What the f*ck?" a familiar voice said, (y/n) turned and saw a large man in a stained suit standing near the police cars. He walked over to the car (y/n) was sitting in.

"So, you still want the room?" he asked with an awkward chuckle. (y/n) looked at him deadpan.



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but that aside i wouldn't be following the movie all that much if you haven't noticed already.
So have something to eat even if its small and at least have something to drink, love you guys<3

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