Seven: Welcome to the show

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When (y/n) got home with Tatum, they realized how tired they were from the day

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When (y/n) got home with Tatum, they realized how tired they were from the day. They kicked off their shoes at the front door before they sluggishly made their way upstairs, almost deciding to just drop and sleep in the stairs, and made it to their room. They dropped their backpack to the floor with a loud thud and crashed on to their bed. once their head hit the pillow they were knocked out.

~time skip(man those after school naps are something else)~


A voice broke (y/n) out of their sleep, they turned to look at the person with blurry eyes. they blinked to try and wake up while they were being dragged out of bed and down the stairs.   They finally woke up enough when they almost tripped getting down the stairs being dragged in a hurry. Tatum had been the one to grab their arm and pull them out of the house.

"what's go *yawn*-going on?"  they said with a raspy voice. "Sidney was attacked by the killer!" Tatum yelled still dragging them behind her. The two got to Sidney's house which was surrounded by police cars.

The two looked around hoping Sidney wasn't hurt "SIDNEY" (y/n) called out when they caught sight of her. They ran over to her and grabbed her face giving her a once over before pulling her in to a hug with teary eyes. She wrapped her arms around them reassuring them she's okay.

(y/n) feels Sidney pull her head of their shoulder and look up to a disruption behind them. (y/n) turns around and looks where the yelling was coming from. Billy was being pulled out of Sidney house in handcuffs. (y/n) watched Billy being pushed in to the police car. They let go of Sidney and made their way over to the car to ask about Billy

"what happened? why's he being arrested?" they asked the cop who pit him in the back seat of the car

"He the killer, Sidney said he showed up after she was attacked." the cop explained, getting in the car to take Billy away. (y/n) watched Billy being taken away, when they couldn't see the car anymore they walked back over to Tatum and Sidney. Dewey was talking to the two when (y/n) made their way over.

"(y/n) your here too? oh my god your feet!!" Dewey exclaimed, they looked down at their feet to see them covered in dirt and bleeding


(y/n) totally forgot about their shoes, Dewey pushed them to get in the passenger seat of his car. When Tatum and Sidney got in the back seat (y/n) gave them a confused look,

"Oh right, Sidney's gonna be staying with us!" Tatum rapped her arms around Sidney in a side hug, (y/n) gave Sidney a quick smile then turned around to face the road. (y/n) felt their eyes getting heavy as their interrupted nap wasn't enough to keep them awake.

Dewey tells Tatum and Sidney to make their way inside while he gets (y/n), he tries to shake them awake. (y/n) groans in protest but Dewey keeps shaking them. they whine as they get out of the car, they lean on Dewey as he pulls them in to the house. they try to walk upstairs just wanting to go back to bed but Dewey pulls them back reminding them their covered in blood and dirt.

(y/n) flops on to the couch as Dewey goes to grab the first aid kit. (y/n) hears the phone ringing, they leave it thinking someone else will get it but it just keeps ringing. They roll over on to their stomach and started reaching their arm out at the phone, when its in their grasp they bring it to their ear.

"Hello, (y/n)." a voice spoke on the other line. (y/n) struggle to keep their eyes open, they were to tired to try and entertain the person on the other end of the phone. "Hellooo?" having the phone resting on their shoulder the greeting woke them up but just a little,

"Hello.." they said quietly

"There you are I was wondering when you would wake up" the voice teased, (y/n) let out a loud yawn. "mmh..." they replied their voice droning off as they fall asleep again.

"Well don't fall asleep on me again, you wouldn't wanna miss the show." the voice chuckled like a madman.

"Can you hold please?" (y/n) said not even waiting for a reply as they put the phone on hold. "Mom... there's a weird person on the phone." (y/n) hands the phone to her. they lay on the couch staring at the ceiling wondering where Dewey is.

(y/n) gets off the couch and starts to head upstairs missing their bed, when yelling is heard at the very top. They run up the stairs to see Sidney screaming into the phone and then dropping it.

(y/n) grabs the phone about to give the caller a piece of their mind.

"Welcome to the show sweetheart, I think your gonna love it." the caller laughed manically, they caught their breath before continuing, "After all your the star of the show."

(y/n) could say anything back aa they had hung up, Dewey ripped the phone from their hand. he yell but the caller was gone. Sidney was still freaking out as Tatum tried to calm her down asking who it was.

"It was the killer! but how!?!" she panicked "But Billy's in jail, that cant be the killer." Tatum tried to reassure her but it didn't work. When (y/n) heard it was the killer they knew they were in deep sh*t.

Dewey took (y/n) to the bathroom as they had been bleeding all over the floor. He carefully started to pull out all the rocks, knowing something like this would hurt he raised his head to see if (y/n) was in too much pain. To his surprise their face was blank, he asked if they were okay and only received a small nod. He continued to take all the rocks out and finish putting on the bandage.

(y/n) made their way to their bedroom but they couldn't sleep. they had to many thoughts running around. they finally started to fall asleep around midnight hoping they and all their friends would be okay.

Hello, author hereSo sorry for the chapter being so late I don't really have an excuse, I've just been lazyI'm think about pushing the party scene back so we can have more development between (y/n), Stu, and Billy or we just continue with the movi...

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Hello, author here
So sorry for the chapter being so late I don't really have an excuse, I've just been lazy
I'm think about pushing the party scene back so we can have more development between (y/n), Stu, and Billy or we just continue with the movie
Tell me what you think I should do and if I need to change anything about (y/n)
Have a nice day/afternoon, don't forget to drink water and have something to eat
Love u<3

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