Seventeen: Trouble?

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(y/n)s eyes widen a little and Loomis seems to notice

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(y/n)s eyes widen a little and Loomis seems to notice.

"Whats up? Do you know the name?" He asks as he pulls out of the drive way and speeds down the road.

"Uh yeah a little, I saw the name." (y/n) sits up in their seat and grabs the handle on the top of the door. Loomis glances over at them before running a red light.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you knew already..." He sighs, "Where is work is filled with dangerous patients and i work with the most dangerous one...Mic-"

"Michael Myers right?" (y/n) keeps looking forward and cuts him off.

"Yeah...I know it's probably a sensitive topic because of the whole...attack...." Loomis' voice gets softer as he looks at (y/n) for a reaction.

"No it's fine...but yeah I know that you work with him...whats he like?" (y/n) asks feeling curious but keeping a blank face.

"I can't disclose patient information, besides you will stay in my office so don't worry about what he's like... We're almost there so you will have to listen to me so you can stay safe." Loomis says with a strict tone and he looks over at their indifferent face.

(y/n) nods and the two spend the rest of the trip in silence. The sun is still high in the sky as they pull up to a large building and are checked in the front gates by security. Loomis parks and quickly gets out of the car, (y/n) following behind as he tells them some rules.

"No getting close to cells, no talking to patients, when we get to my office you are going to stay there, tell me or a nurse if you need anything, and what ever you do...don't approach Michael Myers..." Loomis give them the look that he is definetly serious.

"I wasn't going too..." (y/n) holds their hands up in defense as Loomis takes them into his office and they sit in a plush chair. Loomis gives them a few more instructions before he leaves them alone in his office. (y/n) hangs out in boredom until the faint heart beat begins to ring in their head. (y/n) slowly stands up and reaches for the door handle, hesitating for a second, they crack it open.

'I'm so stupid for this...' They think to themself and peek their head out to check the hallway. Following the sound of the heart beat they make their way through the halls. Turning a corner Loomis and some others stood at the end, (y/n) quickly back tracks and hides inside a laundry room. Looking around they grab some clothes, a hat, and a mask to fit in. Once fully dressed they exited the room and walked down the hall past Loomis and caught a snip it of his conversation.

"He's acting more erratic than usual...I don't know what the problem is..." His voice trailed off as (y/n) quickly passed and turned down the hall.

The rhythmic thumping continued to get louder and the halls filled with more doctors and nurses. The beating grew until they reached a group frantically running around. The drumming comes to a halt and (y/n) freezes, turning their head they see a tall man with long greasy blonde hair, he has an orange mask that looks like a pumpkin. He seems to be staring down at (y/n) thought his eyes are not visible. (y/n) turns to face him fully and gets the feeling of familiarity. They pull off the hat and pull down the mask to show their whole face. He seems to react angrily as he jolts forward and slams the side of his fist against the glass of the room. (y/n) falls back to the floor and everyone is alerted by the sudden bang. Guards, doctors, and nurses rush over some attending to (y/n) and some rushing inside with tasers.

Loomis comes running around the corner and rushes to (y/n) who's still on the floor.

"What are you doing?! I told you to stay in the office!!" He sighs "Are you okay?..." he puts a hand on their shoulder. Although (y/n) shrugs off his arm and stands up, they nod in confirmation. They watch as the man is put in cuffs and sedated, Loomis watches with them as he's taken away.

"Interesting...he's never acted out like that before..." Loomis speaks quietly to himself before looking at (y/n) who is still watching.

"Do you know his?" he asks and they shake their head

"Well that was Michael Myers, my most dangerous patient ever..." Loomis speaks like he's having a moment.

"Wait! that was Michael Myers?" (y/n) questions as the whip their head around to look at Loomis.

"Of course that was! I thought you knew that!" He exclaimed before sighing and putting a hand on his forehead.

"No! I know his name, that's it! It's not like I worked with him his whole life!" (y/n) yelled back as they took off the jacket they had

"You're right, I apologize..." Loomis picks up the coat and calls over a nurse.

"Take them back to my office and make sure they actually get there..." He whispers the last part but (y/n) could hear most of it.

The nurse directs (y/n) back down the hallway to the office, keeping a close eye on them they have them sit in the room and stood outside the door. (y/n) groans as they sit in the swivel chair at the main desk, spinning around before freezing when the door opens. looking over they see Loomis with a tray of cafeteria food.

" must be hungry..." He puts the tray on the desk and pulls up a chair as (y/n) pulls the tray into their lap, finally having some good food. Loomis watches them eat before he speaks again.

"Why did you leave the room when i told you not to?" he asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"I don't know..." (y/n) shrugs and takes another bite before speaking again, "So who was that guys? The one with all the guards."

"It was Michael Myers...although i've never seen him react like that..."Loomis thinks for a moment before he looks at (y/n) whose mouth is full.

"How would you like to help me with an...experiment?" He grins with a sinister glaze over his eyes.

Hello! I don't have much to say but any criticism is welcome and if you guys think anything needs to changed!

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Hello! I don't have much to say but any criticism is welcome and if you guys think anything needs to changed!

Please have something to eat and something to drink!! Be good people, love you guys<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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