Fourteen: Dreams

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" I think you should move in with me." he repeated.

"No, no I heard you, but that is the worst question to ask." they pushed themselves away from him.

He sighed "You don't have too but its a lot safer." (y/n) raised and eyebrow at him with a deadpan stare

"Okay, but at the moment you are homeless and it's dangerous on the streets." He told them giving them a reason they should trust him.

"Fine but I swear if you try anything and I mean anything I'm out of there" they glare at him making sure he knew they were serious. The two shook hands and Dr. Loomis left to sign (y/n) out of the hospital.

I cant believe I'm doing this, but I need answers. (y/n) sighs and turns their head to Dr. Loomis as he enters the room.

"Well the Doctor is going to come into do another check on you and then you're coming with me." He smiled taking a seat near the door. (y/n)s eyes widened when they heard a Doctor was coming in.

"Wait not Dr. Baker right?...." they said slowly with wide eyes and a nervous chuckle.

"Of course Dr. Baker he is your Doctor after all, why?" Dr. Loomis looked at (y/n) with concern, they were about to answer him when the door opened making their head turn quickly likely giving them whiplash.

"Hello again, I'll need to see your hand so please hold it out." Dr. Baker entered the room with, to (y/n), a menacing smile. (y/n) pulled their hand to their chest not wanting him even near them, he kept asking for their hand till he had to grab it forcefully almost pulling them out of the bed. Dr. Loomis intervened as soon as Dr. Baker put a hand on (y/n).

"Okay we're done here," he gently took (y/n) out of the bed and put them in a wheel chair

"Sir I cant let you do that I need to check their hand and if you wont let me I will have to call security." He threatened, (y/n) not wanting security to be called on their only source of answers complied, reluctantly, with the Doctor. As soon as he finished checking their hand they pulled it back to them blowing and squeezing around it to try and ease the pain, the Doctor looked at them with a twitching smile feeling insulted.

Dr. Loomis wheels (y/n) out of the room to the front desk to get all of (y/n)s belongings. They quickly changed in to a new pair of clothes, as the ones from when they got attacked were covered in dirt, sweat, and blood as well as lots of tears. Dr. Loomis tried to help them get in his car but (y/n) pushed him away to get in by themself.

Dr. Loomis sighed and closed the door and took the wheel chair back inside. Once he came back and started the car the first thing that was heard was a radio station cutting into some very familiar news.

"-in front of the Myers house a civilian was attacked by a criminal that had escaped and is now being taken to Haddonfield's mental hospital after evaluation. Information on the attack was to be-" the radio station was cut off as Dr. Loomis changed the station to anything other than the news.

"Hey don't worry I work at the mental hospital and it is quite secure so you don't have to worry about that man anytime soon," He explained to (y/n) but honestly they didn't care they just wanted to go to sleep, "Hey you okay, kid?

"Yeah sorry I'm just really tired, can we go to your place now?" (y/n) yawned at the end of their sentence.

Loomis looked at them with caring eyes, "I have to run a few errands but your welcome to sleep in the car. They took him up on his offer and started to drift off as he exited the parking lot.

The sound of ringing filled (y/n)s senses and as their vision cleared they could tell this was definitely not the place they fell asleep. The stood in a dark room not even being able to see their hands as they lifted them in front of their face, their attention was pulled away as the sound of a phone when off behind them. They quickly turned to see a phone placed on a podium under a spotlight.

As they got closer to the podium they phone turned out to be very familiar, it was the same phone Billy and Stu had used.

Ring, ri-

(y/n) picked up the phone after the first ring, "Hello?"

"Hello (y/n)." an all to familiar voice entered (y/n)s ears, they could tell it was Billy.

"Hello Billy," the sound of shuffling was heard on the other end as well as so light yelling, "Hello Stu."

"Oh my god, you remembered me, how sweet." he said in aw. (y/n) chuckled before realizing some very crucial information ,how are they talking to the two.

And like Billy had read their mind he answered, "Don't worry about how we're talking, it just so nice to hear your voice," he chuckled, "we've missed you so so much, do you miss us?"

(y/n) hesitated not knowing what to say, opening their mouth but nothing came out but a squeak. They tried again but nothing came out.

"You don't have to answer we know, you do. Don't worry about us, stay safe." the line quickly disconnected and (y/n) let their hand drop to their side. They thought for a moment about what he said,


(y/n) picked up the call even faster this time, "What do you mean 'stay safe'?" they said finally getting something out. The other line didn't answer.

"Billy?, Stu?" they questioned but was meet with silence, till the sound of breathing was heard. the breathing continued to get louder and the sounds of other voices and noises filled their ears, it wasn't coming from the phone. They sound feel multiple sets of eye digging in to their back and the overwhelming feeling of each one, till it all became silent.

A hand grabbed their shoulder.

"(Y/N)!!!" the jolted forwarded from their seat as a hand gripped their shoulder. A sigh sounded from beside them as the caught their breath.

"Gosh, you scared me. I've been calling your name for a while now." Dr. Loomis said with concern.

"Yeah sorry bad dream..." they brushed him off clutching their head from the on coming headache. Loomis nods and gets out of the car making (y/n) confused, he saw the look on their face.

"We're here."

Hello, helloSorry for the late update but updates are gonna take some timeBut if you any questions about the chapter, feel free to say anything in the comments Hope things aren't confusing Have an amazing day/afternoon/evening and have something t...

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Hello, hello
Sorry for the late update but updates are gonna take some time
But if you any questions about the chapter, feel free to say anything in the comments
Hope things aren't confusing
Have an amazing day/afternoon/evening and have something to ear and drink
love u<3

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