Nine: Schools out

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The weekend passed quickly and then they were back to school

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The weekend passed quickly and then they were back to school. Sidney was still staying with them as her father hadn't shown back up and she didn't feel like being alone. Dewey took the three of them to school again.

"Be safe, okay." It was less of a question and more of a demand.

"Well be fine, now leave." Tatum said as she pulled Sidney and (y/n) away. They made their way in to the school as Tatum kept pulling the two over to her locker, She was ranting about something the two didn't really care about. Sidney was tense and constantly looking around, always on her guard. (y/n) mindlessly nodded to Tatum's words and just leaning against the lockers.


(y/n) jumped as someone slammed in to the lockers. Tatum had jumped too and when she saw it was only Stu she slapped him with the book she had in hand.

"Jesus, you as*hole. don't do that!" she yelled at him, he playfully blocked her hits as he was almost doubled over laughing. Sidney asked where Billy was and if he was mad,

"You mean after you branded him to Candyman? No his hearts broken." Stu replied to her as Tatum hit him again. (y/n) felt weird just standing there while the others were having a conversation.

"I'm gonna start heading to class, alright?" they spoke puling them selves up from the lockers

"I want you to meet us here after class alright." Tatum said not really asking a question. (y/n) nodded and said goodbye to Sidney. They started to walk by Tatum and Stu when screaming was heard down the hallway, some punk in a mask was flailing their arms running down the hall way. Stu pulled (y/n) closer to him when he noticed the masked person coming towards them. They continued running down that hall as (y/n) thanked him.

The bell rang as Sidney walked away only to run in to Billy coming up the stairs. (y/n) started to make their way to their class but stopped when they heard Sidney raising her voice. when Sidney ran down the hallway (y/n) decided that they could skip class just this once. While (y/n) ran after her they locked eyes with Billy for a second before he turned away mumbling to himself.

They saw Sidney enter the women's bathroom, they stopped for a seconded wondering if they should/could enter the bathroom. They were about to enter when they heard some people talking, (y/n) could hear them talking sh*t about Sidney so they quickly opened the door scaring the two girls. The two stood their in shock and quickly left when (y/n) gave them a death glare, their eyes followed the two as they left. (y/n) walked in to the bathroom as Sidney come out of a stall, (y/n) rushed over to her to give her a hug.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Sidney said as she pulled away from the hug

"I heard you arguing with Billy so I decided to come check on you."(y/n) shrugged like what they were saying was obvious

"you didn't have to." she unzipped her back looking for something

"But I wanted to." (y/n) looked over at her with caring eyes "You're my friend after all." they said with a smile. They sat there in silence as Sidney was looking for something in her bag, but a sound caught (y/n)s attention.

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