Fifteen: A new home?

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Dr. Loomis walked in front of (y/n) carrying everything he had bought, not wanting (y/n) to strain themself. He left the room to put the bags down leaving (y/n) alone.

The house was nice, not very big and not many decorations. It looked like a lot of the other houses, there were two floors and the stairs were right at the entrance. (y/n) took their shoes off at the front door.

"I'll show you where you'll be staying." He said coming from around the corner back into (y/n)s field of view. He takes them upstairs and shows them a guest room.

"I'm down the hall if you need anything tonight." he walks back down to the kitchen and (y/n) enters their room, it's quite plan and empty. A bed sits in the corner as well as a night stand. A single window faces the door. (y/n) goes and sits on the bed, they look around taking in the boring room.

"(y/n) come down, I have dinner!" Loomis had yelled from downstairs, (y/n) sighed and got off the bed. They closed the door behind them, the stairs creaked underneath them. Dr. Loomis motions for them to sit as he place a bowl of what looks like soup.

(y/n) sit and runs their fingers over the side if the bowl, it's freezing. They look up a Dr. Loomis with a deadpan expression, but he doesn't seem to notice. (y/n) stands up with the bowl in hand, as they walk into the kitchen Loomis stops them.

"Where are you going? Why have you not eaten?" he bombards them with questions.

"I'm not hungry..." (y/n) answers somewhat honestly.

"Well I'll take it! Give it here!" he waves his hands motioning for the bowl. They hand over the bowl with a sour look. As they walk into the kitchen they pause... it's disgusting.

The counters are covered in dirt dishes, some of which are starting to mold, the trash can overflowing with crumpled papers and instant coffee cups. As (y/n) looked in horror Loomis walked around them to the fridge.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked as he pulled open the door grabbing a drink for himself. The inside was dirty and bare, only some drinks, condiments, and some prepackaged food that were covered in flies.

"I'm good...I'm gonna go to bed..." (y/n) stiffly walked away and up the creaking stairs.

"Well goodnight, knock on my door if you need anything." Loomis entered the living room, disappearing from (y/n)s view. (y/n) re-entered the room Loomis was allowing them to stay in, they checked every crevice of the room for anything revolting, but thankfully it was clean...ish.

(y/n) sat on the bed zoning out and thinking back to that dream about the phone. They jumped as a door slammed from across the hallway signaling Loomis had retired to his rom for three night. They waited for a little longer before quietly stepping out of the room, the floor creaked making them freeze, listening for any movement. (y/n) looked around for a second before the window in the room caught their eyes.

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