Eight: Bonding with the bros

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when (y/n) wasn't woken up like they usually are by their family, they make their way downstairs and Dewey rushes past them to the door

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when (y/n) wasn't woken up like they usually are by their family, they make their way downstairs and Dewey rushes past them to the door.

"Hey have a good day." Dewey quickly said giving (y/n) a quick side hug before slamming the door behind him. (y/n) looks over at the kitchen, where Tatum and Sidney are. They were about to start walking to the kitchen when...

Knock Knock Knock

(y/n) stopped when they heard the door, and they we're about to open it. Tatum ran to the door before they could open it and behind it stood Stu.

"Hey babe, so what are we doing today?" he said with a grin. Tatum looked back at Sidney then at Stu.

"About that... I cant i'm hanging out with Sid," She looks around frantically for some before she stopped on (y/n) "How about you hang out with (y/n) today." she pushes (y/n) out the door and gives a quick wave bye, and she slams the door in their face.

Stu looks confused for a second but shrugs it off. He raps his arm around (y/n) and pulls them towards his car. " Come on, lets go we can hang out with billy." he puts them in the front seat and gets in himself.

"I thought Billy was in jail, what happened?" (y/n) asked him when Stu started to drive. "He got out, he called me this morning telling me he was out." (y/n) responded with a small nod. Stu let (y/n) play what ever they wanted to the radio, and the two went it to town.

~time skip~

When they got to town (y/n)s stomach growled, they just realized they haven't had breakfast. Stu heard (y/n)s stomach  he asked them what they wanted to eat and said he would pay for it. At first (y/n) refused but Stu insisted and they chose (whatever you want to eat).

They finished their meal and went to meet up with Billy at the video store. When they got there Stu told (y/n) to go look around while he waits for Billy. (y/n) started looking through the store and the genres they liked, when they heard someone yelling, it was randy. They were about to go over when a movie cover caught their eye and they got sidetracked, when they looked back up Billy and Stu were, from what they could see, harassing randy.

They didn't notice (y/n) at first till they cleared their throat loudly. The three looked at them and let randy go, Stu grabbed the movie from their hands.

"Not bad, but you know what's better, this one." he says as he holds up 'saw' and gives back the movie they picked out and their choice. Billy comes over and puts another movie in their hands. The two of them when all over the store just picking out movies no matter if (y/n) has seen them or not. when they where done (y/n) was holding about five movies in their hands.

"Are you actually gonna get all these movies?" (y/n) asked the two of them. They looked at (y/n) with a serious expression before bursting out laughing making heads turn.

Stu threw his arm over (y/n) and pulled them to his side. (y/n)s face started to flush as he brought them to his side and whispered in to their ear.

"Nah, just watch and learn from the masters." He said pulling away. When Stu pulled away from them, (y/n) felt a little upset with the loss of heat. Billy noticed the slight change in their demeaner so he pulled them to his side and walked them up to the front counter.

"Come on man why not?" Stu whined

"I cant just give you movies that comes out of my pay check." Randy retorts at Stu's pleading. when Stu realized (y/n) was right next to him he grabbed them by their face, squishing their cheeks together.

"Randy look at this face your gonna tell me you wouldn't let them watch the movies they want to watch?" Randy froze as he looked at (y/n) giving him a pitiful looks. He could feel himself about to crumble with that look. He hesitated but let out a sigh.

"Fine, but put Halloween in that pile ill take care of the fee." He rang up the movies and payed for them. Stu let go of (y/n)s face and grabbed Randy's Giving him a big kiss on the cheek with and audible smooch.

"Thanks Randy!!" He snatched the movies and dragged (y/n) out of the shop and (y/n) grabbed Billy. Randy whipped of his cheek with disgust yelling after them "You owe me, Macher." before going back to work.

The three walked down the side-walk still holding hands, (y/n) walled in the middle as Stu was laughing like a maniac. When he calmed down their walk was silent, not an awkward one or an uncomfortable one, it was peaceful. (y/n) was swing their arms as well as the other two's, (y/n) started to hum (song of choice) and Stu joined in. Stu wanted (y/n) to go over to his house to have a movie marathon but (y/n) said they should stop by their house to ask their mom.

When they got there (y/n) ran to go ask their mom the question.

"Mom can I go over to Stu's house to watch some movies?" they ask their mom as soon as they see her .

"Can ya'll just watch movies here, I don't want you to stay out with all the murders that have been happening." she replied, as she worked on their dinner. (y/n) tough about it for a second before disappearing around the corner to go talk to Stu and Billy.

"Do you think you guys could stay over and watch them here?" They asked them, lightly bouncing on their feet in anticipation, they could see the excitement behind (y/n)s eyes while waiting for their answer.

"Why cant we watch them at my place?" he said looking upset but in a joking manner.

"Because my mom doesn't want me out because of all the killing that have been happening." They stated. Stu played along by making over dramatic pondering sounds while Billy looked kind of angry, (y/n) was confused but the ignored it.

While they were joking around they didn't notice Sidney at the top of the stairs, they only noticed her win she let out a loud gasp and ran back upstairs. (y/n) forgot Sidney was staying with them and it probably wasn't the best if Billy was here because of what happened.

while (y/n) was looking at the top of the stairs, Billy elbowed Stu in the gut to give him a silent signal to "quit acting like a child"

(y/n) sighed with sadness as their mood drained, Stu grabbed them in a gentle head lock as soon as he felt the mood drop.

"Hey its fine well find another time to hang out." He said letting go as they struggled out of his grip. (y/n) decided it was fine if they couldn't hang out at that particular time and told Stu to keep the movies at his place. They walked they two to the door and said goodbye with a large grin.

As soon as they closed the door and couldn't see them, Billy's face turned to one of utter rage for the misfortune of their plans.

As soon as they closed the door and couldn't see them, Billy's face turned to one of utter rage for the misfortune of their plans

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Hello, author here
I know (y/n) might be unbearable for some but I promise they will get better.
If it feels like in need to change the personalities of Billy and Stu please tell me.
I know I'm not the best writer and I might be change the POV soon to make it easier to type and read, but that's all for now.
Have a nice day/afternoon, don't forget to drink water and have something to eat
Love u<3

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