Three: Adjusting with stolen food

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Sidney dropped (y/n) off at their class and told them to wait this time

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Sidney dropped (y/n) off at their class and told them to wait this time. (y/n) promised to wait this time for some one to come pick them up.

(y/n) entered the classroom and handed the teacher the pass from the nurse, and made their way to an open seat. (y/n) could feel a couple of stares on their back  for coming in to class late and with an ice pack on their face, but the feeling slowly disappeared as the teacher went back to teaching.

The next two classes went by quickly after the teacher handed out some busy work, (y/n) had a little bit of a struggle on some of the work but they go some help from the girl sitting next to them. It turns out the girls name was Casey Becker and she was actually really nice.

"Hey would you like to join me and my boyfriend for lunch?" Casey questioned (y/n)

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"Hey would you like to join me and my boyfriend for lunch?" Casey questioned (y/n)

"I'm sorry I cant, I already have plans with my sister." (y/n) tried to decline as politely as they could. Casey said it was fine and they would just have to join the two some other time. It turns out the two actually had a lot in common and became friends really fast. After the bell rang for lunch (y/n) said goodbye to Casey before waiting outside the classroom.

"Hey, you ready to go?" an unknown voice spoke from beside them. They turned to see that it was Billy and they could see that he look a little annoyed. Thinking it was because of them, they quickly looked down with a small nod. Billy saw that they put their head down and let out a sigh,  coming up with an idea that would make them feel better.

"Last one to the water fountains a rotten egg." and with that Billy sped of in the direction of the front of the school, not giving (y/n) the chance to think about what he said before running after him to try and get there first.

Sadly, Billy got there first and took a seat next to Sidney, who gave him a confused look as to why he just came running out of the school. A couple seconds later (y/n) came out busting through the door and towards the fountain. When they made it to the fountain and saw Billy there, they plopped down next to Tatum a panting mess.

"what just happened?" she said looking at (y/n) and Billy like they were crazy. (y/n) started to explain through heavy inhales.

"Billy said-*pant* last one- here*pant* rotten egg." they croaked out before falling on Sidney with a wheeze. Everyone around them took a moment to think about what (y/n) said before busting out laughing.

"I think it was unfair."(y/n) said softly while chuckling with everyone else.

"What can I say, I'm just better that you." Billy said with a smirk, dodging the weak slap that came from (y/n). The group mostly talked about random sh*t and what not while eating lunch. (y/n) realized they didn't have a lunch so the others gave them pieces of theirs, except Randy, something about needing the food to bulk up for the ladies?

"Hey is that Michael Myers?" Stu said pointing off in another direction

"Ha, that's not gonna get me, Michael Myers only comes around on Halloween-" while Randy was about to start his nerd rant, Stu grabbed some of Randy's food and gave it to (y/n) with a wink. When he realized that some of his food was gone, he looked in (y/n)s direction to see them stuffing his sandwich in their mouth. He got up and started to chase (Y/n) around the fountain, before the bell sounded.

(y/n) was actually adjusting to their new life very well, they still needed help getting around the school but they were having a good time so they didn't really care any more as long as things could stay the way they were, but oh how things would change.

(y/n) was actually adjusting to their new life very well, they still needed help getting around the school but they were having a good time so they didn't really care any more as long as things could stay the way they were, but oh how things would...

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Hello, author here
sorry for the short chapter
But the next will be a little longer
Have a nice day/afternoon, don't forget to drink water and have something to eat
love u<3

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