Ten: Party time

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As they entered the house loud music was playing, lots of people were drinking

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As they entered the house loud music was playing, lots of people were drinking. They made their way to the kitchen to set all the food down but (y/n) kept holding their bag as that was their personal snacks that they weren't gonna share with anybody.

Tatum and Sidney when to go hang out on the couch and (y/n) just followed them as they didn't know a lot of people at the party. (y/n) just kind of looked around as people were just bustling around, but after a while they decided to look for Stu to ask about the movies. When they got up and turned around they noticed Dewey and the news reporter, Gale Weathers.

Tatum and Sidney both noticed as they heard Dewey getting on to some kid. Tatum got up and left the room and Sidney talked to Dewey, (y/n) just continued their exploration of the house. When (y/n) finally found Stu he was surrounded by a bunch of people, they tried to grab his attention by waving at him but every time they though they had it he would get pulled in another direction.

With a sign they just left through the front door to get some fresh air, the house smelled heavily of alcohol and sweaty bodies. They sat down a little ways away from the front door on the ground. They could still clearly hear the music blasting from inside the house but the air was so much fresher. They started to zone out but the sound of footsteps brought them back to reality, when they looked over it was Billy and he had sat beside them.

"So why aren't you inside? you know getting drunk and stuff." He asked them but not directly looking their way.

"I kind of just came to watch those movie, but also that house stinks." They chuckled lightly as Billy joined them as he found their comment funny. The sound of a plastic bag was heard as they moved slightly, oh, they forgot about their snacks.

They looked over at Billy to see him looking at nothing, while they really didn't want to share their food they thought they would be nice. they opened their favorite snack and pulled out a couple of pieces.

"Here," They handed Billy some of their snack, he gave them a bewildered look before taking the food from their hands.


"What's with that look?" (y/n) commented.

"I just didn't think you really liked me" He replied with honesty. (y/n) stopped just looking at him like he was crazy.

"Now you have a look." he nervously scratched the back of his neck and they just stared at him.

"I didn't think you liked me!" they slightly yelled out at him. He leaned back at little at their slight outburst as he processed the new information.

"Pftt, what made you think that?" He laughed

"Its just you just didn't seem to like it when I was around and-"they were cut off by move of his laughter "I don't know man!!"they blabbered on

Billy had finally come down from his laughter high and looked over at (y/n) to see them looking away. He started to feel bad and let out a sigh before doing some think (y/n) never thought would happen.

He wrapped his arms around them, not a side hug, but a full hug.

"I never hated you and I'm sorry if I made you feel like that." he told them as he pulled away slightly but (y/n) just pulled him back in. (I'm sorry if you don't like hugs I just though it was cute) They didn't realize how much time had passed till people started to flood out of the front door leaving.

"Are you leaving too?" (y/n) asked pulling away from him.

"Nah I need to talk to Sidney." he told them as they got up. they reached a hand out to him and pulled him up. He started to make his way to the door as less people were coming out, and (y/n) followed behind him. He walked through the door and (y/n) noticed him following Sidney upstairs. Stu saw (y/n) standing in the door way and asked where they've been.

"Hey I haven't seen you at all." he states

"I wanted to watch those movies but I couldn't reach you, so I went outside." they shrugged at him as he gave them a pout

"Aww you wanna watch movies and cuddle on the couch with little old me." he says in a baby voice and hugs them

"I mean you're anything but little but sure." (y/n) stated bluntly and slightly muffled.

Stu let out a 'Hey' as (y/n) pulled him in to the living room and pulled out the movies they had gotten at the store. Everyone who was still at the party migrated their way around the couch to watch 'Halloween', Randy just insisted that they watch that one. (y/n) sat down next to Stu and leaned against him as they pulled their legs up to the front of their body in the fetal position.

Everyone was just talking about the movie when Stu asked a dumb question which lead to randy pausing the movie and explaining 'The Rules'. (y/n) groaned in frustration/relief as he paused the movie, Stu wrapped his arms tighter around (y/n) who was now laying on his lap.

'Rule 1: you cant have sex' everyone hated that one

'Rule 2: you cant drink or do drugs' everyone who had a beer in their had took a drink

And finally 'Rule 3: never say you'll be right back' Stu moved (y/n) off his lap on to the couch as he got up.

"Hey I'm gonna get another beer you want one?" Stu said once he was up

"Yeah sure." Randy mindlessly replied

"I'll be right back!!" Stu joked and flailed away as everyone yelled out at the comeback

"You see you pushed the laws and you end up dead, okay ill see you in the kitchen with a knife." he retorted end sitting back down. a little while later some more people left and their was a call on the phone right next to the tv. Randy answer it and had to tell everyone the news. The principle was dead and hanging from a football post, when everyone else hear the news they got excided and left to go see.

Randy just sat back down and (y/n) got up to look for Stu he was definitely taking to long to get beer and they were a little worried.

Randy just sat back down and (y/n) got up to look for Stu he was definitely taking to long to get beer and they were a little worried

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Hello, author here
I was kind of hoping to finish the movie but that's not gonna happen.
and I'm sorry if the scene between Billy and (y/n) was super cheesy and doesn't match with past chapters we just needed more development.
again if you think I need to change anything feel free to comment.
Have a nice day/afternoon, don't forget to drink water and have something to eat
Love u<3

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