Thirteen: Dr. loomis

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" So on a scale from 1-10 whats your pain level?" a nurse asked as they walked in to the room where (y/n) was sitting on the bed

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" So on a scale from 1-10 whats your pain level?" a nurse asked as they walked in to the room where (y/n) was sitting on the bed.

"Umm... like a 1-2, i don't really feel anything." (y/n) says to the nurse as they are told to flex their hand.

"Strange, well i'll get a doctor in and you'll have to stay the night so we can monitor you just in case." the nurse closes the door behind them and walks out.

"Its not like i had a place to go anyway," (y/n) sighs and just sits there, they cant do much when they're hooked up to a bunch of machines. A man walks in laughing but puts himself together when he sees (y/n), he clears his throat before speaking.

"Hello, i'm Dr. Baker. I'm gonna be checking your hand and we'll have another doctor come in just to make sure everything's ok with your head." He gently grabbed (y/n)s hand and moved it around while asking questions.

"Well nothing seems to be too wrong so i'll stitch you up and send the other doctor," (y/n) was about to comment how they're still numb, but the doctor already started putting in the stitches and (y/n) could definitely feel those. Every time they tried to speak the pain made them bite their tongue. When he finished (y/n) was covered in a cold sweat.

"Okay all done, i'll send in the psychiatrist." He said happily as (y/n) glared at him as their hand throbbed in pain. He walked out the door and (y/n) tried to relax as much as they could. A couple of hours had past and (y/n) was dozing off when a older man opened the door. The man had a more professional attitude as he entered the room and rolled up a chair as (y/n) yawned.

"Good afternoon, i'm Dr. Loomis. I'll be working with you to make sure you didn't hit your head or anything," (y/n) nodded as he was putting on gloves,"I heard what happened and that is very traumatic but don't worry i was told the got the man who attacked you." He smiled and like the other doctor started asking questions.

"Well i think your good to go, any questions you wanna ask me?" He said still bearing a smile. (y/n) though for a second before answering.

"Yeah...why does your name sound so familiar?" they asked him which he quickly and happily answered.

"Oh yes, i'm a psychiatrist for the Haddonfield mental institution. I'm working with Michael Myers if you'd like to know. He's quite the fellow," he laughed at his choice of words,"Well i'll be going now, i'll come back tomorrow to check on you." he walks out of the room leaving behind a shocked (y/n).

Why didn't i realize it earlier, but this cant be possible. I must have hit my head when that man attacked me, but the house was there and the murders were there...

(y/n) sat for hours just staring and thinking, they didn't even notice when they fell asleep, it just happened.

(~time skip~)

(y/n) had woken when a nurse entered the room bringing them some breakfast, (y/n) quickly called out to her before she left the room asking if they could use her phone.

"Of course, i'll be back in ten minutes so you can have a private conversation." she smiled sweetly and gave (y/n) the phone.

Ring, Ring, Rin-

" Hello?"A very familiar voice answered

"Hi Dewey.." (y/n) know he recognized their voice

"Oh hi (y/n), how are you?" he said cheerfully when he heard his sibling

"Uhh... i'm good, i'm good... i uhh, how are you?" they didn't want to tell him whats happened so far, not wanting him to worry.

"I've been great I recently was promoted to sheriff..." (y/n) smiled as Dewey ranted about how he's been. (y/n) felt comfort in hearing his voice. They continued talking till the nurse came back in asking for her phone. (y/n) didn't want to give it back, they wanna to keep some comfort but they couldn't.

They sat and waited for Dr. Loomis and he came back just like he said.

"Hello (y/n) how are you today?" he asked as he walked into the room carrying a small bag with him.

"I'm good Dr. Loomis, whats in the bag?" (y/n) points to the bag with their non-injured hand.

"Well I thought since your healing i would bring you some better food," he hands them the bag "enjoy." (y/n) pulled out some of their favorite foods, and a water bottle.

"'d you know what i like?" (y/n) slowly pushed the suspicious food away from them.

"I'm a psychiatrist I can learn a lot from one meeting," he spoke "don't worry theres nothing in it."

(y/n) hesitantly took a bite from the food, realizing it wasn't poisoned they quickly ate the rest. They thanked him and he still just sat there.

"So, why'd you comeback i thought i was okay." (y/n) asked him. He started picking up the empty container and putting it in the bag but stopped when he heard the question.

"You're right, you're fine i need to talk to you though." he said suddenly getting very serious. (y/n) looked at him giving him their full attention.

"Okay... about what?" they scooted up so they were giving him their full attention.

"I have heard that you don't have a place of residence for the time being..." he looks for the right words

"You could just say i'm homeless, i know." (y/n) deadpans and Dr. Loomis coughs in too his hand. He brushes back his nonexistent hair and continues.

"Well that's one way to put it, but yes that's what i'm getting at." he says facing (y/n) with less seriousness and more sweat.

"So you found me a homeless shelter?" they say with sarcasm, which Dr. Loomis hears but brushes it off.

"No no no, i'm just saying...

would you like to live with me?"

                            would you like to live with me?"

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i'm honestly not sure about the ending but one day ill just edit all of it.
Tell me if there's anything you really wanna see in this story of the characters interaction
but have a good day/afternoon and have something to eat and drink
love you<3

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