Sixteen: Study time!

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(y/n) runs back through the open gate and closes it quietly, but quickly behind them

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(y/n) runs back through the open gate and closes it quietly, but quickly behind them. They climb their way back up to their room, reciving more scratches as they climb. They pant as the drop to the window creating a loud thud.

"(y/n)?" The sound of Loomis' voice called from downstairs.

"You alright up there?" He calls out again. (y/n) panics and pulls the blanket from the bed down over them, brushing the dirt off they stand up with the blanket over their body and open the door.

"Yeah I'm fine, just fell off the bed... had a nightmare..." They say trying to as convincing as possible. Loomis squints his eyes before he opens them again with a smile.

"Well thats understandable, if you wanna talk about it remember I am a certified psychiatrist!" He laughs. (y/n) laughs nervously as well.

"No thanks, can't even really remember it... Is it okay if i go for a walk around town today?" They ask as they shift the blanket up to cover their head.

"Are you sure? I mean it is fine but after what happened the other day..." He looks a little worried as he rubs the back of his neck in a nervous gesture.

"I-I'll be fine, I just wanna see the places around town." (y/n) said as they looked him in the eyes, dead set on getting out of that house.

"...Fine, but you have to take this phone so I can call you, a-and you have to come back before dark!" Loomis stammers as he pulls a flip phone out of his pocket and puts it in their hand.

"I will...I will..." They repeat as they look at the phone in their hand.

"Alright then just uh tell me when you're leaving." He nervously fixes his jacket and heads downstairs, the wood loudly creaking under his weight. (y/n) closes the door and drops the blanket with a sigh. Looking at the mask as they pull it from under their shirt they decide to hide it under their pillow and go to the library. Checking themselves in the mirror, they change into a different pair of clothes, something relatively loose but warm for the weather. They go into the bathroom and wash off the remaining dirt and get some bandages to cover the bigger scrapes they received on their little adventure.

"I'm gonna head out!" They call as they rush down the stairs and sit to put their shoes on.

"Already?! Don't you want something to eat?" Loomis says as he walks out from the kitchen .

"Uh no thanks, I'm not very hungry..." (y/n) says as they stand up from the floor and open the door to go outside

"Well alright...Have fun, be safe, and answer when i call!" He yells after them with a wave as they close the door.

(y/n) sighs as they shut the door and takes off down the sidewalk to look around the town. They walk thought the crowds of students heading to school, weaving between the teens. They continue to walk through the town, watching the towns people on their day to day.  Reaching the library they walk in and try to use the computer. Realizing they need a library card the approach the front desk.

"Excuse me?" (y/n) says to the woman at the desk.

"Hello there, how can I help you today?" She says as she looks up from her screen.

"I need a library card please." They say tapping on the desk softly.

"Of course, fill out this form please." She hands them a card with a pen.

Looking over the information they realize they are missing important documents.

"I don't have a Id on me...and i don't know my address..." (y/n) looks down a bit, feeling embarrassed to be saying this out loud.

"Well i can't really do anything for you then, you're aloud to read in here but you can't take anything home hun..." She expresses,shaking her head slowly.

"Thats not what I need it for...I need to use the computer." (y/n) tries to manipulate their voice to make her cave into their request.

"...Fine but you have 15 minutes, next time you'll need to get a library card." She logs them in and they immediately sit down.

(y/n) starts by looking up the 'Myers' house'. The first thing to pop up was a news article about a murder in 1963 on halloween night.  The article talked about a kid named Michael Myers killed his whole family excluding his little sister, who was a baby at the time. Pictures showed a young boy in a clown costume, covered in blood, and holding a knife. The paper said he was taken away to a mental facility at-

"Times up kid." a voice broke (y/n) from their reading.

"But I'm not done!" they exclaimed as the woman logged them out of the computer.

"Sorry kid, you can come back and get a library card but you can read anything here." She  walks away with her card.

"Wait-" (y/n) suddenly said making the woman halt. "Do you have news articles?"

(y/n) spends the rest of the day reading about Michael Myers and where he went. The Smith's Grove mental hospital... thats where he was taken and put under the care of...Dr. Samuel J. Loomis.

What? He's the doctor? So that means-

"Closing time kid." They are broken from their train of thought once again. Looking outside it has gotten quite dark and they realize the woman and them are the only people in the library.

"Alright..." They quickly clean up and head out, giving the woman a quick thanks for leaving the library open after hours for them.

(y/n) walked back the same path they did to get to the library. They pull the phone Loomis gave them from their pocket noticing five missed calls. They run back to the house and open the door to see Loomis pacing in the living room.

"You're back good, go grab some clothes. We need to go somewhere." He gives them a small bag and pushes them upstairs.

"What? Why?" they try and retort. but he just walks back down stairs.

"Just do as I say, I don't want to leave you here alone." (y/n) packs some clothes, although confused. They remember the mask under their pillow and shove that in the bag too. They rush back down stairs and see Loomis packing some folders as well.

"Whats happening? Why are you getting papers?" Loomis takes their bag from them and starts pushing them out the door.

"We're gonna be staying at my work for a couple days." He locks up the house and goes to the car as (y/n) follows.

"Your work?" their eyes widen as they get in.

"Yes, the Smith's Grove mental hospital" He starts the car

"Yes, the Smith's Grove mental hospital" He starts the car

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Hey guys...hahaha I'm back, so uh sorry for the slow updates I had honestly dropped this book entirely, but I'm trying to get back into it. Feel free to bash me in the comments about how long i've been gone, totally my fault and i deserve it.

Please have something to eat and something to drink!! Be good people, love you guys<3

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