Five: Casey Becker pt:2

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As Casey leaves Steve in darkness she slides down the wall curling in to a crouching position

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As Casey leaves Steve in darkness she slides down the wall curling in to a crouching position.

"Here's how we play. I ask a question, if you get it right Steve lives" the voice explains

Casey pulls the plug to the light next to her out of the socket

"Please don't do this." she pleaded

"Come on it'll be fun,"


"its an easy category,movie trivia."


"I'll even give you a warm up question."

"Don't do this is cant."

"Name the killer in Halloween,"


"Come one its your favorite scary movie, remember. He had a white mask, he stalked the babysitters."

"I dont know."

"Come on, yes you do."

"No, please."

"Whats his name?"

"I cant ,I cant."

"Steve's counting on you."

Casey let out a few gasps of air "Michael, Michael Myers ."

"YES!! Very good, now for the real question."


"But you're doing so well, we cant stop now."

"Please stop, leave us alone."

"Than answer the question, same category."

"Oh please stop"

"Name the killer in Friday the 13th."

"Jason, Jason, Jason!!" Casey stood up confident in her answer.

"I'm sorry thats the wrong answer."

" No its not, no its not, it was Jason." she said moving over to the window

"Afraid not, no way."

"Listen it was Jason, I saw that movie 20 god damn times"

"Than you should know Jason mother, Mrs. Voorhees was the original killer, Jason didn't show up until the sequel."
"I'm afraid that was a wrong answer."

"You tricked me."

"Lucky for you theres a bonus round but poor Steve i'm afraid he's out."

Steves screams but it's muffled by the tape. Casey turns away for a second to turn the lights on and what she saw made her crumble.

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