chapter 5

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wally sat and stared at his best friend in astonishment. never would he have thought he would hear those words inhis life time, but there they were. the silence seemed to go on forever. "wally look say something or don't I have to go home." he said walking away knowing he was cutting his timeshare extremely short. wally sat on that couch and watched as robin walked away. five feet, ten feet, he got farther away and wally watched. he didn't know how to react. "rob wait!"wally shouted standing up. wallys face was as red as his mentors suit. robin of coarse turned to find the speedster looking at the ground.

"wally you don't...."

" rob listen. I have wanted to hear you say those words to me for a year now. you caught me off guard is all. I love you and it seems hard to believe because I don't know anything about you. then the strangest thing happened and I met this kid and he reminded me so much of you and he opened up to me about his past and his parents death. rob I'm not sure what exactly to do. I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to hurt him. " wally said keeping his eyes trained on the ground. robin moved to his friend and lifted his up so he could stare his in the face. "wally I get it. trust me I want to tell you who I am, I do. it's just.... batman won't let me. he has threatened to ship me off to some other place if I do. if the only way I can be with you is or me to hide then so be it. if all I can be to you is your close friend that's fine. if you rather have Grayson over me then I'm sure your in for a surprise. wally I love you ." robin told the speedster who just got more red. there was more silence now, wally couldn't think on what to say. "look I'll give you time to think on this. "robin told him returning his hands to his side and walking out. wally just stood there and thought. as the woman called out his departure wally ran this room. jeans didn't want to see anyone right now.

Richard sat in the batcave filling up his utility belt. for all he knew he was perfectly alone in the cave. "excuse me sir but what is troubling you?" Alfred asked coming out of no where. Dick jumped out of his seat , the butler was like a ninja. Alfred sat in the chair the was positioned in front of the young boy. " it's just robin is in love with this person so I thought that since I can't tell them who I am that I would have them befriend Dick Grayson. well they admitted to Dickerson that they were in love with robin so I told them that I loved them as robin and they tell me that they're falling for dick and doesn't want to hurt us. " by this time Richard had put the belt down and started to play with his hands. "well sir you must remember that you and robin are the same person. and maybe you should just tell wally who you are." Alfred suggested. without even catching on what the butler had said Richard continued."I want to tell him so bad but Bruce won't let me." Richard said sadly

"I'll go talk to him. I'm sure I can reason with him."

that's when it him Alfred knew he was talking about wally.

"Alfred how did you know other was wally?"

" a butler never revels their secrets. not even the batman can hide things from me." Alfred said leaving the boy behind to wonder what else he knew.

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