Chapter 14

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Wally found himself walking one the beach of Happy Harbor thinking about all the things that had plagued him for the past six months. Where were his best friends? He walked and walked from noon until sunset which he new was Robins favorite time of day. He missed both of them but he found himself more worried for Richard then anyone else. Robin was strong and could help himself and Richard was intelligent and could figure things out but he was no Robin and that is what worried him.  

Wally was staring off in the distance when he noticed a black figure wash up at the end of the beach. He got to it within the second and bent down to his horror. It was Richard. Wally quickly rolled him on his back and found half a mask covering his one face. It was Robin? It was both Richard and Robin, one in the same. Wally knew he had no time to stop and think that he had to get him to the med bay. 

Wally pushed himself father and faster and tried to get there quicker to save his best friend. Wally laid him down on the table and hooked him up to all the machines to try and bring him to breathe. He had waited six months for one of them to come back to him and now he wasn't just going to let them die. after a minute or so the fancy tech finally revived him. He shot up with a heavy exhale and many coughs. "Dick!Robin! You ! You're live!" Wally said hugging the boy tightly. In between coughs he he looked confusingly at Wally and simply said"Do I know you?" and Wally could have sworn he felt his heart break right then and there. A tear moved from his eye and down his cheek before he wiped it away. "Where am I? Who is Dick? Who is Robin? Who am I?" Richard asked. Wally shock his head. 

"Look I'm almost as confused as you are. Let me make a few phone calls. You just stay here." Wally said quickly running off leaving Richard to sit in both confusion and shock as he slipped off the torn mask and just stared at it. 

Within the first five minutes both Batman and the Flash were surrounding Richard on the table while Green Lantern and Superman kept the other young superheros from seeing him. Wally was the only exception, he sat there as Batman and Flash ran every test on him that they could think of. All the while Richard would ask every question that came to mind. "Why are you guys here? Whats happening to me?"  "Listen Dick we don't have time for questions.I need you to tell me everything you can remember." Batman said with his eyes never leaving the time computer monitor. "Well I remember being on a boat and a women saying 'bye, bye. Lets hope this pretty bird can fly.'Next thing i knew i was on this table with the ginger hugging me. " Wally felt his heart do more than just shatter, it completely left his body. It was only now that he could finally piece things together. Robin, Richard, they were the same person and that is why he could never choose. 

Wally loved both boys because they were the same boy and now that he figured things out to late he lost them. He lost his best friends, he lost his partner, his superhero escape, but most of all he lost the love of his life. Richard John Grayson the son of the flying Grayson's, the ward of Bruce Wayne, the mathleat, the Batman's partner. Dick was so much of everything yet almost no one knew what he had been doing. Every time he didn't go on a mission , saying he was with Batman, he was actually doing something as Dick Grayson. 

Wally finally understood why he had a need for control, he had to be smarter than everyone else, he had to control his surroundings so no one found out. Robin or Richard, Wally didn't see the difference in the boys now.  They were one in the same,a stressed out teenager with a secret. But now as he sat there and got treated as a lab rat he faced his ultimate secret; the secret that is his entire life. 

Wally just watched and thought on how he was going to help his best friend on this journey to figure out just who he really is. He only hopes that its not to late to bring him back. 

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