Chapter 10

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Wally had a hard time believing that Richard was in fact robin. Wally had a lot going through his mind.  'What if i only like Richard because he reminds me of Rob?' he would ask him self because in all honesty he was head over heels in love with Robin till Richard came along. He could only wonder how robin felt, if Richard liked him then that means robin liked. That would also mean that he choose some guy he barely knew over his best friend who felt the same way as he did. Wally could only imagine the hurt that would have brought. Liking your best friend as you were superheros only for him to choose your secret identity, which he doesn't know is actually you. Wally was actually thinking on leaving Richard to be with his best friend, but now he understands how weird that would be on both of them. Overall Wally was just glad robin told him, that is till he started to fear what he Batman might do to him or worse, Bruce might not like that fact that he knows who his ward really is. 

With a call to Alfred Richard had invited the Allan clan to dinner at Wayne manor. Wally was excited, he never had Alfred's cooking and has only been in the house once, on businesses.  Bruce didnt mind if he had the guests over, he had important Justice League stuff to discuss with Flash anyway. Getting to the manor was easy enough when when you have two speedsters. 

Once they arrived Richard took them straight inside and lead them to the living room area. Naturally Alfred wasnt close to having dinner done, so they all sat int he living room and visited. "You know Richard it was a little hard to sit through Wally talk about you all over again." Iris said as she took a drink of the red wine Alfred had offered her. "Well would have to assume, Pretending not to know after all we've been through." Richard said 

"Wait you two knew Dick was Robin?" Wally asked shocked and both his uncle and aunt nodded. "Yeah, i work with Batman and he told the League all about Bruce Waynes knew ward. I have even worked along side the great Robin." 

"Wait, how did aunt Iris know?" wally asked.

"Justice League Christmas Parties. That where we were first introduced." 

thats when wally snapped on what he was being told. "Wait a minute. The Justice League has Christmas Parties? and you worked with robin?" 

"Yeah we have one every year and yes. Batman was the first League member to have a sidekick so we took Robin out for spin and called training." 

"How come im not invited to the parties?And is that why when i first started this gig Captain Cold was like ' oh you traded the Bird for a Cheetah?' and he said like that?" 

Iris stepped in for the first part of the question. "Well you spend Christmas with your parents, like the other kids. The only ones who come to these are Richard. Well at the last one we had Richard and Conner were there. Bruce didnt think it right to leave him out since all he had was the the Leagues and he need to be properly introduced to everyone. Richard of course kept his mask on but was in a nice suit." 

"Yeah thats why he was saying weird stuff towards you. He really wanted robin, it was weird." Barry said with a nodded and distant gaze. 

"Wait why would Bruce have have a problem with leaving superboy out?" Wally asked confused. Barry was going to say something but Richard interrupted him. "Give him a minute, he'll get it " 

Wally started to think and consider all that has been told to him today, all that hes heard. 'Does Bruce know?'  'Batman talking about Bruce Wayne's new ward.'  'Bruce didnt want to see Conner left out.' 

wally's eyes widened with shock as he realized what they were all hitting at. "I told you he would get it."  Richard said with a smile. "Batman and Bruce Wayne are brothers??" wally asked. everyone there face palmed, even Alfred and Bruce who had just entered the room. "I had such faith." Robin muttered. "What?" wally asked everyone. "Bruce took the opportunity and snuck behind wally and whisper into his ear, using the Batman voice, and said. "I'm Batman." Wally was up and across the room before any one could blink. "Wait Bruce Wayne is Batman?" wally asked and every one nodded with a look that said ' Duh'. 

Alfred turned to Bruce and with a smile said. "good one Master Bruce. Dinner is almost ready. " bruce returned the smile. "Thank you Alferd. Now Wally im trusting you with a very serious matter. i will tell you what i told Dick. You tell any one who we are i will not only take your powers away, i will ship you to an island in the middle of the pacific." Wally nodded curiously. "How would you take my running away from me?" 

Bruce smirked. "Follow me." he said as he walked off. Naturally everyone followed bruce to the study where the entrance to the batcave was. "Where are we going?" wally asked and Richard smiled. "You are slower then i thought , wally." is all he said as bruce pushed the button that opened the shelf. he ushered everyone inside before getting in himself. The elevator took them down and thats when it hit wally. "The Batcave?" he asked and richard nodded. Wally was super excited he was going to see the Batcave.  Bruce walked out of the elevator and strait to a drawer by the the giant monitor. Bruce pulled out a small bracelet and snapped it on wally. "Thats how im going to stop you from using your powers. " Bruce smiled Wally blew it off but when he tried to run he found himself running at a very normal rate."Wow. How does it work?" he asked trying to take it off. " It works in the same way the collars at  the Belle Reve Penitentiary. They isolate the Genes that care the super power and doesnt allow the wearer to use them. Dont bother you'll never get it off. its indestructible, not even superman could bend it. " Bruce smile. "This is cool and all but how do i get it off?" wally asked. Bruce grabbed on to it and started spinning it look for something. i didnt take long till he did.he pushed a button and a light shined, Bruce scanned his eye and and the bracelet fell into his hands. Wally happy to have it off started to speed around the batcave. Richard just shock his head with a smile. 

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