Chapter 12

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Richard sat in Wayne manor a waiting the arrive of the rest of his team. HE had on his best tux and a vibrant red mask the clearly showed his bright blue eyes. His Robin mask never allowed his eyes to be showed, Batman was always afraid people would start to recognize him. Even though he always wore a mask or glasses around his team none of them will out the two and two together, none of them will figure out that Dick Grayson and Robin are the same person. Well Wally might. this would be the first time his eyes wore something that didnt have a light lead dusting.

Richard already planted the idea that Richard and Robin could be the same person in wallys mind. He used a mind toxin that Batman had developed from scarecrows recipe of mind bends. It could make someone think anything the the other person wanted them to. Richard went into Wallys room and stuck the 3 inch needle that held the nino bots into his arm. with a few button pushes on his wrist computer he implanted the idea that he and richard were the same person.

Wally had the dream and now wonders if richard and robin are same person. Richard still sat in wait since he was pretty much the guest of honor at his birthday party. Of course the team didnt know that today was richards birthday because Robins birthday is tomorrow. They couldnt have the same birthdays for fear that the team might take that as a clue of some sort, because you know its a strange occurrence for two people have the same birthday.

Richard was deep in thought when the knock came at the wayne manor door. He peaked his head down the stairs to find Alfred holding the door open for Clark Kent and Conner. Each were dressed in the suits Bruce had picked for them, which meant that Fox had done something to them to make them super tuxes or something. both of their masks had the superman colors discreetly hinting to those of us who know that they are in fact superman and superboy. Clark Kent's reason for being here is that he is covering the story for the big planet and decided to bring his adopted son along since it is a birthday party.

Richard walks down the stairs instantly turning into Richard Grayson ward of Bruce Wayne mode. "Hello Clark, Conner, thanks for making it to my birthday party that will most likely get crashed by a pair of newby super villains.'' Richard said shaking both of their hands. "You know us?" Superboy asked confused. "Yes, Bruce and myself work closely with both the young justice league and the regular justice league. " Richard replied giving him the best billionaire grin. "We werent told it was your birthday party." conner said and Richards smile faded a little. "No? i guess batman forgot to inform you."

Suddenly a gust a wind came and it brought Richard to the ground. he found the yellow speedster on top pinning him to the ground. Robing mode kicked in and with a swift head but he brought his knees to his chest and hit wally hard and one hand springed back. Superman was shocked RIchard just did that, everyone in the room new the kid was lucky that bruce didnt see that. BUt superman thinking quickly before any questions could be asked. "I see your lesson with Canary have been going well. its a good thhing Bruce asked us to give you lessons." richard realized what he had just done and how Clark had just saved him. "Yes, Bruce has been having me train a lot lately. Batman and Canary seem to be the only two he trusts to train me though. " RIchard said with s smile as he rubbed the back of his head."Im sorry Wally you surprised me." Richard said kneeling down next to him tryiinng to help him up. "Are you sure RObin didnt teach you? He has used the move on me countless of times." Wally asked." Maybe once or twince, he tought me something since we have a simailar backgrounds." Richard replied.

Wallys eye widened and he runs richard up the stairs and to the boys room.Richard played it cool to not give anything away. "Wally whats wrong?"

"Wheres Robin?" Wally asked "Off with Batman looking for the lair of the villains that our supose to attack my birthday party. " wally tilted his head. "Isnt robins birthday tomorrow?" wally asked and richard nodded. "I think megan is throwing a surprise party at mount justice, if you want to go." Wally offered. " I cant go, sorry." richard shrugged. "Why isnt he like your best friend?" Wally asked." Yeah i guess i know him better then anyone, and we are together all the time. But i just cant go." wally looked confused. "Wally i cant go for reasons i cant tell you and your just going to havr o figure it out on your own. i Cant tell you . Now if you will excuse me I have to greet the rest of my guests.

Richard walked out of the room teary eyed. He wanted to tell Wally.Wallys hurt face was just to much for Richard to handle. HE walked or more liked ran down the hall way. RIchard came to a sudden stop when he heard wally shuffle in the room behind him. Richard raised his left arm up arm up and pressed a button with the other. A small grapling hook latched onto the shadow covered wooden beams that richard knew all to well. he hid from amny people up there and no one ever found him.

Richard had thought he made a clean get away but Wally had saw him. Wally saw the heels of Richards shoes. Withoutt much thought Wally called out. "Robin?" He then felt stupid becaause RObin wasnt suppose to be there, but then again there was noone else he knew that did that. "Robin? is that you? why are you here?" Wally asked. "Hey KF, i came to wish RIchard a happy birthday before Bats and i left. i saw he was with you so i backed off. i know how you feel about him so i left you two alone. " RIchard told him. " Rob i dont understand what is going on between you and Dick? Are you guys friends, brothers? What?" Richard smiled slightly at Wallys naiveness. "Only your dream can answer that. I have to go wally. See you later." Richard faded more into the shadows of the roof and worked his way to the party.

All the while, Wally stood there pondering what robin had ment. That is till he heard foot steps and some one talking. "Wallace what are you doing up here the past is down stairs." It was the butler. "I'm sorry I'll head down there right away" he said and speeded off. Wally was so happy to see robin and wanted to go with him and wanted to get answers but he had to be here for Richard. Wally was so in love with both of these boys it killed him.

Artemis saw the look on Wally's face and aproached him. "What's wrong baywatch?" Artemis I'm ganna tell you something no one knows. I'm gay and I'm in love with two friends." Wally said while hanging his head.
"Please tell me one of them is robin." She said.
"Yeah one of them. But ever since I met Dick Grayson I have wanted him. I have loved robin for so long and have never wanted anyone else, but when Dick came in to my life it's been a constant struggle to figure out which one I want more. This would be so much easier if they were the same person."
Artemis shrugged at his plea. "Maybe they are. Have you thought of that? They both live in Gotham, you never have seen them together and every time we are around wayne manor or helping bruce or something like that, robin is out with batman." She tells him. Wally's eyes light up in hope.
"Thank you Artemis. I'm ganna go find Richard, be back in a flash. "

As soon as wally had left to find his good friend everything went into full blown chaos mode. On the stair case stood a girl. She had long brown hair and and vibrant green eyes. She didn't hold a noticeable weapon but everyone surly noticed her wings. They were giant and feathery and black. Her tight out fit matched in color. Her boots how ever went up her cafes and over pants, they were a shiny black. "You are now all my hostages. My partner will be arriving shortly. In the mean time I'm ganna play a little game called find the bird. The first person to find me Richard Grayson and bring him to me can leave with how ever many normal people they want. This includes you too you super freaks except you can't leave." With that said every non super was running franticallyto find Richard while the teams met to figure out what to do.

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