Chapter 16

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I wake up to the sound of Bruce talking to someone. My vision still blurry and fading in and out. I realize that Bruce is standing and talking to a green man in my door way. I had no idea what they were talking about, Bruce happens to be extremely good at whispering. I roll over and he notices right away.

"Dick, you're awake? Good I want you to meet someone. This is J'onn J'onzz, The Martian Man Hunter. He is here to help you." Bruce explained as he pushed J'onn in. 

"Hello Robin, I am an alien from the planet Mars. I am going to try and unlock your mind." He explained. Bruce just left the room with a nod and shut the door behind him.  " Okay Robin I need you to lie on your back and close your eyes." 

I did as the alien told me to and he pulled up the chair from the desk. He asked me to clear my mind and so i did. Then i felt this surging pain flow through my body before it all went dark. 

I woke up in an empty room with a strange purple tent.  There was only a wooden door with a brass knob.  I walk closely to the door and reach for it when I heard a whisper in the wind. "Richard John Grayson" it said with a ghostly chill. Suddenly the room started to fill with flyers and pictures. 'The Flying Graysons' were bold on every piece of paper. My family, the trapeze performers, i remember them and their death. 

The door then swung open with a violent thrust. Beyond it was black and dark but it beckoned for me to go through it. I hesitantly walk through it, only for it to be Gotham. I had know clue as to where, but i knew it was Gotham. 

I walked towards the giant steel gates and directly to the giant building. The doors opened on their own and I went into the silence. I stared directly into the darkness when multiple spotlights turn on and shined directly on a clown in a purple suit.

"Boy Blunder! How great it is to see you. The Joker and trust me the pleasure is all mine. I'm afraid the Bat is a little tied up right now." the clown said as a light shined on a tied up Batman. "Now I am honestly hurt that you had forgot about me!" he said dramatically that was followed with a maniacal laugh. I'm going to be your escort down memory lane from here on out." Joker said with a frightening grin. 

I now could suddenly recall my Robin side. "Joker you need to let Batman go. " i said firmly. "This is your mind, he is only still tied up because you choose for him to be. Now my little bird its time for you to wake up and remember. I'll see later." Joker then started to laugh as he faded and everything went dark once again.

I woke up to the Martian shaking me with both Bruce and Alfred in the room. "Dick!" Marian shouted and I grabbed his arms and he released me. Bruce was quick to kneel by the bed side as i sat up. Alfred stood behind with a worried look on his face. I just hug Bruce as tight as i could and he hugged me back. 

"I remember, I remember you Bruce." I whisper all the while I hear the haunting laughter in the back of my mind.

I hope you dont mind how long it took to get this chapter out.  I just got a new laptop so i can update faster and sooner. all your comments are very much appreciated along with all your votes and patience.  

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