Chapter 19

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 I wake up and take a quick survey of my surroundings.  I was in my room and i was home, i was safe. I let out the air i was holding in.  I get up and walk out into the hall. No one was there. I walked down the stair case and into the kitchen were Alfred was putting lemonade on a tray. "Master Dick your food is on he island." He said not even looking at me. i  sit on the stool and started to eat. 

"Who are the drinks  for?"  i asked "They are for master Bruce and Wally, sir. " i nodded as Alfred continues to do what Alfred does. "Alfred why is Wally here?" i ask stabbing my fork into my eggs.  "Sir Wally is in love with you. Before you were taken you were also very much in love with him. Wally had visited the house everyday asking if Bruce had heard anything. He still loves you and hes here to try and help you get your memory of him back. Bruce was once in love and he knows what its likes to lose it and he doesnt want you to lose it. "   Alfred then walked out with they tray of glasses and went to the BatCave. 

 Halloween was coming up and Bruce is letting me go back to school in a week. I just got my memories back and i havent seen any of my friends since my birthday.  I went to the cave after i finished my food. Bruce was at the batcomputer but wally was sparing with a girl. She had red hair much like his and was around my height and hopefully my age. I walk over to Bruce and tap him on the shoulder. "Whose the girl?"  i ask. "Dick, i didnt expect you to be down here. Thats Barbra Gordon. She is Batgirl. She was helping me while you were gone. Go say Hi." he said getting back to whatever it was he was doing. 

Out of habit i put on my mask that was conveniently laying nearby.  I walked down to the little arena we had and watched as the two fought. Wally would try to use his speed but Barbra was using it against him. She would grab him and take him down and pin him.  i found this to be a good time to intervene.  

I throw down a smoke bomb that was laying on a table near by. It grabbed her attention and she stood up off of Wally. I swiftly kicked her in the back and she went flying forward. Wally stood up and i kicked his legs out from under him. He moved his arms  in quick circles to remove the smoke.   Barbra saw me and came back at me. I did a back hang spring and hit an unexpected Wally. He tried to hit me back but i move in such a way he hits Barbra instead. 

"Batman!" Barbra yelled. "Robin I said say hi not intervene!" Bruce shouted back. Barbra stopped and just looked at me. "You're Robin?" she asks " Yeah who else would i be?" i asked. she just shrugged.  "Hey Rob." Wally said. "Hi Wally. Can we talk?"  i ask him. He nods and we start to walk away. "Is it true that we were Best friends? "  i ask

"Yes. Its very long story.  Robin has been my best friend for three years. Dick has been a close friend of mine for almost a year now.  I didnt know you guys were the same person until I found you washed up on the beach.  Thats when Bruce finally told e everything. "  Wally told me as he scratched the back of his head.  "If you dont mind me asking if it true that i loved you? were we together?"  i ask. "You can ask whatever you like. Bruce told me that you were in love with me for a real long time, but you never told me. We werent together like that. " i nodded once again. 

"Im sorry Wally."  I told him.  "If you dont mind me asking, What had happen while you were gone?"  My head falls down and i could feel all the pain they cause me come back. "It was the Joker."  was all i could cough out before i started to feel dizzy and everything started to go black. 

I woke up to a purple tented room. i look around and the Joker is sitting in the corner. "Now now Richard, why would you go and do a thing like that? " he asked. " what?" I ask him. " Feel safe?  tell people about me? I gave you all the memories back" he said standing up. " What about Wally? Every i talk to says he was my best friend and that i loved him? Where are those memories?!" I yelled at him "Settle down boy. The love you had for Wally isnt really. If you dont want to drop him a tub full of acid it isnt love." He said swinging a gun. 

" Thats not love. I want to remember him! Let me remember!" i yelled. "Sorry my Bird its time for you to go back. "  Joker pointed the gun at me and while he laughed hysterically he shot me.

I woke up in my room with everyone looking over me. 

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