3: twininem eren

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Me and Sasha finally made it to the party. A majority were already there.. Sasha ran off to Connie and i went to Armin.

"Hey Mikasa,"


Armin pours up a shot for me and him.

We both take it.

"Damn Armin, did you put drugs in this. Shit it tough"

"So people are catching on about your sneaky li–"

I covered his mouth.

"Armin, we can't talk about this so openly."

"Bitch we're in the fuckin kitchen."

"Then lets get out to the living room."

Me and Armin head over to the living room, which had people taking body shots, being loud asf and more.

"Yeah nevermind Armi– No way this bitch left me."

Armin went over to talk to Annie and some of her friends.

I scanned the room for anyone I knew whom i could talk to.

Eren was talking to Jean,

Sasha was in the group with Armin, Annie and Connie.

Armin was with that group.

The only other person I see not talking is Historia.

I go to Historia, trying to make small talk.

"hiiii mikasaaaaa" This bitch is high as hell.

"Would you maybe so like a drinky drink?" Historia continued

"Fuck it, sure."

Me and Historia ended up having like 5 shots to the head.. i was over the top drunk.


Eren POV:

I havent seen Mikasa all night, i wonder where she is.

I know she didnt leave yet.

Though most people left at like 10, there is still a few of us still here.

"UNO!" Connie calls out.

"Con– we can tell there are cards up your ass." Jean stops him as everyone laughs.

"fuckkkk–" we all turn around to the mystery voice walking towards here.

oh shit, she hasnt been this drunk since junior year.

"Erehhhh, i'm so fuckin sober but Historia is saying that i. am. drunkkkkk."

Everyone started staring at me...

"I'm sorry Mikasa?? Just dont let it get to you, i guess?"

Everyones eyes are still on us and i didnt want to make it obvious that me and her are like– close.

"Erehhhh, why did you call me my full name? Are you mad? I am M-Mika, to you."

Mikasa.. Why. Why are you making this so hard for me.

Jean starts being a smart ass "sounds like someone is a little close with Mikasa" he says as he makes a smirk.

"no– me and Mikasa have only known eachother since September.. its October." I really tried to cover it up.

"Eren Salvatore Yeager. I have known you s-since i was seve–" I cupped her mouth shut.

"Yep, seventeen. She was 17 at the start of this year."

"no she wasnt. Eren, I think you out of all people should know that her birthday is February 10th." Sasha said, wanting to be a fucking smart ass.

"Uhm, let me sober her up. Eren." Thank god Armin took the spotlight..

As Armin left the room I saw him give Mikasa some ibuprofen.

"So Eren, all i'm gonna say is that... Mikasa forgot to hang up her call at 7pm."

What the fuck is Sasha talking about.. Holy shit-. She heard me and Mika...

Everyone else was confused.

I took out my phone and texted Sasha.

'can you please not say shit and try to make it seem like me met just this year??'

'ugh fine Eren.'

You could see the death stare Sasha was giving me the whole next round of Uno. I'm pretty sure everyone else could feel it too.


back to Mikasa POV:

"Armin. You let me expose myself."

I cant believe he didn't stop me.

"You honestly deserve it– can't believe y'all wont man up and confess."

"Armin, you know its not like that. I am so sure that he doesnt like me.."

"Bitch. Do you see how you were cuddling him while complaining."



"I mean your still kinda drunk but more sober to at least think before you speak.. your more tipsy than anything."

I think im prepared to go back in the living room.

"Are you ready to go back Mikasa?"

"Yeah- I'm ready Armin."

As we walked back in all eyes were on me.

"ahh, sorry guys for causing havoc. Especially to you Eren."

Everyone was still suspicious.

Jean started .. "Eren and Mikasa just fucking say whats going on. Most of us saw Ymir's story by now."


I was expecting Eren to give me the 'sorry' look but he really gave me the 'i can fix it for us.' look.

"Me and Mikasa have been friends ever since we were 7 years old.. i saved her from kidnappers and we've just been close ever since."

Connie was confused "sooo, your dating?"

"no no, Erens like my twininem!!"

"ew!!" Sasha spat out and that made everyone start laughing. Everyone but Eren... Whats wrong with him?

I guess 'twininems' dont necessarily– fuck each other.

SECRECTS I CAN'T KEEP FOREVER - eremika -Where stories live. Discover now