16: Bless Armin, Again

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Me and Mikasa snuck back into the cottage and both headed to my room. She's coming to get her panties and leave.

As we walked into my room the lights flickered and Armin spun around to face us in his rolly chair.

"Armin, this isn't a movie.." Mikasa said as she was sighing.

"Don't give me that shit Mikasa, what've you two been up to? Huh?" Armin was trying to act like a little detective.

"I mean, Mika if we tell anyone then Armin should be the one to tell." She nodded her head in agreement and then started to talk.

"Me and Eren are dating."


"Ahh, since literally just a few minutes ago." I told Armin the truth. We ended up talking about our complication and how we finally had made them right.

Armin was proud of us for once. "I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!" He pulled up into a hug so tight that we could never let go.

After our conversation Mika went back to her and Sasha's room.


That morning I was so happy, I woke up with no issues. In fact I woke up before everyone else... well excluding Armin. He always wakes up at 5 no matter what.

I got dressed while Armin started talking to me.

"Someone seems to be in a good mood after last night." He started.

"Yea, just a bit. I'm happy that we finally got to this point in our life."

Armin chuckled and hugged me. "You have no idea now long i have been waiting for you two."

I put myself deeper into the hug. "I know, now we're all happy."

We walked outside of the room towards the living area. We sat watching TV shows until everyone else woke up. First other person to wake up was Mikasa.

"Hey guys!" She goes to snuggle up in my arms as we are watching the show. My blush appeared all over my face.

"Jean's coming soon, I can hear Connie talking." I kissed her forehead and got up to start cooking breakfast for everybody. She visibly started frowning... "Ereh~ Don't leave me!!" She started to be clingy but it was cute.

Jean walked out of the room with Connie. He started by talking to Mikasa first.

"Hey Mikasa, how're you doing?" he smiled hard while wrapping his arm around Mikasas. All I wanted to do was push him off, but i guess i'll let it slide. He doesn't know. Not yet at least. Though Mika looked pretty uncomfortable I think Jean was blinded by her.

"Uh– I'm good, how are you?"

"Great since our date." Mikasa laughed uncomfortably. Armin shot me a look from across the room and shoots a look at his phone, signaling that he was about to text me.


Armin- Me personally.. I wouldn't let Jean touch up on my girl like that

Me- stop arminnnn, you know I can't do anything about it.. What should I even do?

Armin- I don't know, maybe give reassurance and try to do everything to get closer to Mikasa than Jean.. You could just blame it on you guys being 'friends' for so long

Me- Thanks Armin, I was thinking of taking her on a date.

Armin- When we head out today i'll make up an excuse for you guys to go escape from everyone else.

SECRECTS I CAN'T KEEP FOREVER - eremika -Where stories live. Discover now