12: 'Peaceful' Night

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We got back to the house, since everyone was tired we ended up heading to our rooms.

Earlier I got a text from Armin of him catching me and Eren making out. He even had a video and everything!

Me and Sasha changed out of our bathing suits so that we could lay down on the bed.

"Hey Sasha, I've decided that... I can trust you."

She got confused with what I just said. "Huh?"

"I can trust you with all the Secrets I Can't Keep Forever."
Her face lit up, she had a smile beaming on her face. Ear to ear.

"Tell all about everything! Mikasa!"

I started off with telling her the whole kidnapping story and went from there. Continuing on me and Eren's first time in 10th grade.

"MIKASA! So you're telling me that you guys took each other's virginity... While Armin was in the closet?!"

"WE DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS THERE!!" How was I supposed to know he was there??

"Whatever, keep going."

I continued my stories until we got to just now, at the beach.

"AND YOU HAVE A VIDEO?? You guys are pornstars, I swear.."

I pulled out my phone and went into my camera roll. I clicked on the video showing us kissing.

We both started chuckling in excitement. A few minutes later Jean burst in the door.

"Hey dude! You gotta knock! What if me and Mikasa were having an intense make out sesh?!!"

"HUH??? Sasha you're fucking crazy." The one time I agree with Jean.

"But anyway, me and the boys are going out for a mini-grocery run. Wondering if you wanna go?"

"Is Eren going?" I asked Jean

"No , he said he's gonna be busy."


"Ah no, I have to go on my computer and check for any online work for school."

"I'll stay behind with Mikasa!"

No... Sasha.


"Hey Sash, i'm going over to Erens room. Okay?"

"NO? Not dressed in pj's your not."

"Ereh see's me in pajamas all the time."

"I don't care, this time is different."

Sasha sprinted to get up. She went through my luggage to find a matching maroon set of underwear, A mini black two piece (skirt and shirt).

"NOW PUT IT ON!" She threw the clothes at me.

I changed into them, they showed off my abs and boobs nicely.

I walk out of the room, heading to the kitchen to acquire a silver platter. I took off my panties and put them on the platter.

I went up to Erens room and knocked.

"Room service for Mr. Yeager..." I held the platter like a waitress.

As soon as Eren opened the door I could see his face go red.

"Mika– why're you here dressed like this?"

"Why not?"

I push him onto his bed while undressing him. I spit on his cock, while stroking it so that it can get ready. I get on top of him.

I started riding him with all my might. It starts to get hot in the room, Ereh was sweating and so was I.

"Mika, what's gotten into you?" He whimpered out of his mouth.

"This is my revenge for you always trying to top me."

I made sure that he never gets a chance to get the power.

He was moaning loudly about how good i'm doing.
I was making him suffer. He couldn't escape from my touch.

He smacks my ass and talks, "Don't think you'll always be in charge now. Bad Mikasa."

We continued to have our fun until.. We heard the garage open, signaling that they just got home.

"Shit, Mika. Get your clothes on and head back to your room."

We both rushed to put our clothes on. I walked out of the room as the front door opened.

"Shit! Oh hey guys!!"

"Mikasa, are you okay?" They all started giving me strange looks.

"Y-yeah, of course." No, I'm not okay, I forgot my panties in Eren's room. Great for me, Connie started heading towards Eren's room with the panera he asked for earlier.

I'll just let Eren deal with this, I cant right now. I headed back to me and Sasha's room.


Connie came into my room with the panera I wanted.

"Hey Eren, here's the pan– dude what is that." Connie points to the maroon fabric that was on a platter.

Shit. I forgot to get rid of that.

"Ah, don't worry about that." I got nervous that he would start to ask more questions.

"I'll let it slide just once, you know you don't have to keep stuff from me Eren. I've known you since 9th grade." That's no time compared to Mikasa and Armin.

"Okay dude."

SECRECTS I CAN'T KEEP FOREVER - eremika -Where stories live. Discover now