7: Sash is comin' over -pt2

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The Day Of-

"Mikasa can i walk to your house after practice?"

"Yeah of course!"


We started walking over to 'my' house, i decided to warn Carla and Eren so that they don't act suspicious and that Eren will be silent.


Me- Just a warning that me and Sasha are on our way over!!

Auntie!- Okay! I'll make sure Eren and Armin are in check.

Ereh~- Mom! Me and Armin aren't even that loud.

Auntie!- Eren. That is highly debatable

Me- ^^ Okay Auntie I love you, see you soon

And Eren, see you in a few

Ereh~- Bye Mika!

Auntie!- Love you too!

"Hey Kasa, who're you texting?" Girlypop is acting so nosy.

"Ah, it's just my Auntie. Letting her know that we're on our way... well in fact-"

We came upon 'my' house.

I was nervous, i didn't want Sasha to find out. I love her so much but she's such a loud mouth. If she finds out that me and Eren live together then she would tell the whole group chat.

"HUAHHH, MIKASA! Your house is actually so nice!" We started walking in the house and i yelled that I was home to Carla.

We went to my room.

"Why is there so many rooms up here?"

Sasha please stop asking shit you don't want answers to.

"It's just my aunties room, my uncles room but he's in marley with Zeke right now. The others are bathrooms." I think i covered that pretty well.

"2 bathrooms on the same floor?? It doesn't make any sense."

Sash, shut up.

"I don't know, Carla wanted 2. Just make sure to only go to the one on the left. The other is Grisha's. Uh- no one goes in there."

'Grisha's bathroom' was just Erens room but i think Sash will listen and not go in there.


8:28 pm:

"Sasha, we have not done shit but gossiped. We need to finish this shit."

"I know, before we do it though i have to go to the bathroom."

Please go left, left, left.

"Just make sure you go on the left."



"Armin can we stop now, i think it's good enough."

"Fine lets just take a break."

Fuck, can these thoughts stop coming to my head?

"Armin, do you think Mikasa views me as like a brother to her or as like a boyfriend?"

Armin gave me the stankest look ever.

"Bitch. Do brothers and sisters have sex and do whatever the fuck y'all do?"

"No, but we're just sneaky li-"

WHAT THE FUCK? My door opens with no warning. It's Sasha...

"Sasha i-i-i... why the fuck are you in here."

"NO.. I should be asking why you're here?!! In Mikasa's house. AND ARMIN LIKE WHY ARE Y'ALL HERE??"

What are we gonna do?

Next think you know Mika walks in.

"Sasha Braus. Why. The. FUCK. Are you in here. I told you not to come in here."

Mikasa was really mad this time. Everyone's postures became straight and their ears perked up, showing that they were paying attention.

"Mikasa i-i-i'm s-so sorry... I just knew you were lying about the Grisha thing. I wanted to see what it was..."

She sighed hard and shortly talked.

"Any fucking questions for me, Braus?"

Everyone was scared, i mean even i was scared.

"Yes, actually. Why is he here."

Everyone was silent and waiting for Mikasa to be the one to answer.

"Eren lives here. After my parents died he took me in. My 'Auntie' and 'Uncle' are just Eren's parents. Armin only knows because he's been friends with us shortly after that happened."

"I'm sorry Mikasa. Lets go back to your room."

Me and Armin were speechless while they both started walking out of the room towards her.


"You can't say anything about this Sash..."

I feel bad for yelling...

"Not even Co-"

"Not even Connie."

She started giving me puppy dog eyes.


"Fine, Ackerman."

"Never fucking call me that ever again. Or i will kill you."

(I deeply apologize for how bad this chapter is!! I will probably go on the revise it later!!)

SECRECTS I CAN'T KEEP FOREVER - eremika -Where stories live. Discover now