18: Last Day At The Cottage

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Eren walked into my room suddenly.

"Oh hi, Ereh!" I looked up from my phone, identifying that it's him. Then went back to scrolling through tiktok.

"Hey Mika.." I could hear him closing the door to my room. The next thing I know is that he comes up behind me in bed, making me little spoon. I could feel him starting to watch tiktok with me.

He started talking, "Jean told me to ask you a question." I stiffened up as I was scared for what it was going to be.

"...and what is that question?"

"He wants to know where and when you guys are going to have the next date." Eren sounded mad even though I know he was trying to be playful.

"Ugh, you know I don't wanna go." We rolled over, facing the ceiling then each other.

"I know babe, can you let him down soon?"

"I will and I want too. I just don't exactly know how i'm gonna approach it."

Me and Eren sat there in comfortable silence for a minute or two, trying to come up with a plan.

"Well, Mika... Tomorrows the last say of being here so maybe let him down tomorrow or on the road trip back home." That sounds reasonable.

Me and Eren practiced on how I'm gonna break the news to Jean.

Armin came in the room and started to help us practice. It reminds me that how it felt like just yesterday was me, Eren and Carla practicing for me and Eren to not know each other.

I loved it, every second. Next thing I know me, Armin and Eren all fell asleep on the same bed like old times.

I woke up in the middle of the night when I realized it. I love these idiots ... Been with me through thick and thin. And especially you, Eren. His face gave me a smile as I kissed his forehead and fell back asleep.


As always, by the time I woke up Armin was ready and up. Different than usual, Eren got up before me. He's been doing that recently... I wonder why.

They must have already brought over clothes last night or something 'cause they're dressed for the day.

"Good morning guys!"

"Mikasa, this is not morning... It's 12 pm." Armin started talking to me.

"Yeah, we came in here to finally wake you up." Eren started on the bull shit too.

"WUAHHH?? NO WAY IT'S 12." I never wake up this late??

I checked the time on my phone reading, 12:09 PM.

I jumped up out of bed and screamed. "GUYS GET OUT, IM GONNA CHANGE!!"

They both left the room quickly.

I picked out my outfit and put it on fast so that I could in the common area.

I rushed out of my room while sitting next to Armin and Eren in the circle everyone was sitting in.

"Why're we all in a circle?" I was confused on what was going on.

"Well, we started with us in a circle so I decided to end it on that. Sorry if that makes ya uncomfie, babe." Ew... that was disgusting. That was Jean whom said that... out loud. TO EVERYONE.

Annie and Sasha looked at each other while me, Armin and Eren looked at each other. That was embarrassing but i'm not gonna blame that on him.

"I just want to have some conclusion on some things so I brought everyone here to watch this moment... Mikasa I need to ask you something." I'm now even more scared. He called a whole house meeting for everyone else to experience what was about to go on.

"And what is that, Jean?" I think that Eren could feel how scared I was, he started rubbing my back in comfort. He continued until he froze up when jean asked me his question.

"Mikasa, will you be my girlfriend?"

I froze up, not really expecting this from Jean so soon.

"I'm sorry if it seems like it's too fast, I just feel like there is something going on between us. And I wanna make that a reality before it can't anymore. So to my question... What will be your answer?"

I looked at Eren then Armin and took a deep breath.

"Jean, I apologize but I am just not into you like that. I didn't really feel comfortable after the last date. I'm sorry for potentially leading you on." You could see some type of tears forming from his eyes. Everyone looked at me, only a select few looking at Eren. The few was Sasha and Annie.

"It's alright, Mikasa. See you guys in the car ride tomorrow, probably."

He walked away towards his room, it left everyone else in a sad mood. But not Eren, I think he was only happy because Jean didn't get a chance with me.


Later on in the day I decided to look at the groupchat that i've had on mute for long enough.

Eren & Mikasa + Third Wheelers

I back tracked to see that Sasha sent a photo of me, Armin and Eren sleeping in one bed.

She wrote, 'The shiganshina trio lookin a little too cute here.'

Jean started texting the gc.

Jean- Sorry for the little moment I just had.

Me- it's okay Jean

Jean- But can we please change the group chat name? I'm pretty sure that they don't even like each other like that.

Annie- Whatever's gonna make you shut up right now.



ereh~ - You are so down bad for Amrin it's not even funny anymore .


armin- I don't even know what to say *cry* But are y'all ready to leave tomorrow?

Everyone started to spam a mixture of Yes.

But am I really ready for the Jean awkwardness during the car ride? I don't think so.. But I'll have to find out when it happens.

SECRECTS I CAN'T KEEP FOREVER - eremika -Where stories live. Discover now