20: SleepOver at "Eren's"

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I made sure to text Carla to let her know that Eren is having all of us over.

"Okay guys! We're here!" Armin let everyone know as we parked in the driveway. We all gradually got out of the car.

"I just realized that i've never been to your house, Eren." Connie started talking as we walked in the door.

"Holy shit this is nice !" Ymir screamed a little too loud. Carla was in the kitchen.

"OMGGG Hello everyone! You must all be Eren's friends! And hello Armin~ Where have you been these days?" Carla started getting over stimulated, though she hugged Armin.

"Not excited to see me Carla?" I said sarcastically.

"Oh, sweetie I see you all the time." She still hugged me tightly in front of everybody. She continued talking, "I'm gonna need all of you to introduce yourselves!"

Everyone said their names and relationships towards Eren to Carla. Shortly after that we went upstairs in Eren's room.

"Hey Mikasa, can you bring the girls to your– i mean the guest room? I need to talk to the guys real quick." Eren almost slipped up.

"Yeah!" I took Sasha, Ymir, Annie, and Historia to my room.

"I wonder what they're talking about..."


"Guys!, I have brought you all here today to discuss my favorite non-official couple."

Armin started talking, "Andddd, that is?"


Armin rolled his eyes which made everyone start laughing.

"No but Eren's right.. Armin you gotta confess!" Jean started backing me up.

"Okay fine, but maybe this weekend..."

"No Armin! You have to ask her out to the dance!!" Connie now started taking our side.

"What dance??"

"Remember we have one this Friday? The halloween dance?" I continued for Connie.

"Oh shit... Do you think she'll even say yes? I mean a dance is not very, 'annie'"

"Armin... she likes you so much that she probably would go, just for you." It was Jean's turn.

"Okay... I'll ask her on like Wednesday."

We all started hugging him and hyping him up. As soon as we stopped, Connie started talking.

"Eren, I know you and Mikasa are close but what did your mother mean when she said she always see's Mikasa compared to Armin... I feel like it would be the opposite."

Jean started with the questions too. "Oh yeah, also if both are Mikasa's parents are dead then where does she live?"

I felt over whelmed with questions.

"Well to answer, she lives with her Aunt. And Mikasa comes over here a lot more than I do 'cause her and Carla like to bake together." Armin is a life saver... I swear.

"And she also usually sleeps in the guest room...it's almost like it's hers at this point, so don't be surprised if she sleeps in there."

"Oh, okay." Connie said in conformation.


"Mikasa, do you know if Eren's mom could lend me a tampon?" Historia asked.

"Uh– in the bathroom, cabinet on the bottom towards the right. There should be some tampons in there."

"Wow, you really know your way around here, huh?" Ymir started talking... and once she starts talking, there is no stopping her.

"Mikasa, you know what this room reminds me of?"


"It looks like the room you're usually in when we facetime." Shit, i've been caught. I would've never thought of that.

"Now that i think about it, your're right Ymir."After Historia acknowledged it, everyone else slowly did.

"So what's the deal?" I felt pressured. They all, well except Sasha were slowly starting to annoy me. I felt myself about to have a panic attack until...

Eren bursts into the room. "Hey y'all can come downstairs now." I rushed out the room to go talk to Eren, I pulled him aside towards the bathroom.

"Ereh... they were like cornering me about how the room looks so similar to the one that I show on facetime."

"I'm sorry babe, they were doing similar to me. I ended up telling them that you come here a lot to bake with my mom."

"Thank god you came up with an excuse."

He leans against the sink, while I'm leaning on him. God he looks so good right now. I close the space between our mouths and start kissing him only until...

Historia opens the door while talking to herself, "bottom, right cab– OMG! I'm so sorry." My cheeks flushed red.

"If you pass me a tampon I promise that I will forget about this moment."

I go in the cabinet and handed her a tampon. She left awkwardly.

"Mika-, what is that our 3rd time getting / almost getting caught?"

"It sure is Eren."

We walked out of the bathroom, heading downstairs... this is gonna be a hell of a night.

SECRECTS I CAN'T KEEP FOREVER - eremika -Where stories live. Discover now