21: Suspicions Make Our Deal Different

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Historia was acting weird for the rest of the night. She wasn't really talking to me or Eren. That night everyone headed to bed pretty early since the car ride made us all tired.

2:34 AM-

I woke up in the middle of the night from my nightmare... I don't necessarily know what it is but it was scary. I went into the kitchen to go get a snack along with some water.

I yawned and put an airpod in, I started playing my playlist. I went into the cabinet, getting cereal.

"Hey Mika." Eren suddenly popped up behind me with a raspy voice.

"Oh, hey Eren... I need to talk to you actually."

"What's up?" He sat next to me while I was eating my cereal.

"Way too many people are slowly finding out about us... we need to do something."

"Yeah... I understand, how are we gonna keep this secret though?"

"I do have one idea..."


I woke up, seeing everyone already dressed and ready. I was gonna go up to Eren so that I could hug him... Though I remembered last night again. I forgot. I can't be all nice to Eren. I have to act upset.

The plan we ended up coming up with was acting as if we got into a fight. The rumors around the group and school have been to much... I don't know what I'm gonna do about Sasha and Annie though, maybe i'll gaslight them or something??

After I got dressed, as I was the only one not dressed. We headed out to school, taking two cars. One being Armin's and one being Eren's.

To make things more believable, i was one of the people who rode with Armin- rather than Eren.


It was hard for me to try to ignore Eren all day. Especially at lunch...

I went up to the lunch table, sitting next to Ymir rather than Eren. Armin gave me a weird look and tilted his head to show confusion. I ignored the signs and quickly looked away, trying to resemble sadness. This has been the most difficult day of my school life, by far.

Who knew ignoring Eren is so difficult?! I think Sasha saw my stress and pulled me aside to talk.

"Hey Mikasa... what's wrong?"

What do I say to her? Oh yeah– the story that me and Eren made up.

"Well me and Eren got into an argument and we're on a break for a while..." In all honesty, i tried not to laugh.

Sasha quickly pulled me into a hug... it was tighter than ever before.

"It'll be okay Mikasa. If you need to talk to me about anything, i'll be here for you."

I was chuckling a bit though I think Sasha thought I was crying. She comforted me and we started walking back to the lunch table. Getting 'my act' together and sitting back down. I shot Eren a quick eye saying, 'look at your phone'.



Ereh~- I can tell... she's giving me side eye right now

Me- it's so hard to not talk to you but at least the rumors will clear up...

Ereh~- I know, its hard for me as well... i'll make it up to you later though .

Me- looking forward to that but, what are we gonna do for the dance?

Ereh~- fuck i forgot about that... waitttt is this you asking me?

He looked up from his phone and winked, looking back down.

Me- I Hate You.

Ereh~- you could never!

Me- your right... but that still doesn't answer my question..

Ereh~- honestly lets just show up together and let everybody be shocked.. i love you too much to let anyone ruin that night for us

Me- i love you too.. but don't ya think the group is gonna be mad?

Ereh~- oh yeah most definitely, but you're more important than that

The bell rings for lunch to end... leaving history as my last period...


Just like old times, me and Eren had to wait for everyone else to leave school before we walked home together.

SECRECTS I CAN'T KEEP FOREVER - eremika -Where stories live. Discover now