26: The Huge Misunderstanding

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The dance finally ended. We went to Sasha's after party, having a better time than before. Jean never showed up to the party. About an hour later with a majority of the party gone, just the friend group... Sasha started to ask everyone a question.

"Hey does anyone know exactly why Jean went home before my party started?"

I could see Eren stress out from the sudden question. I didn't want him to have a panic attack in front of everyone, so I rubbed his back and started whispering in his ear. "Everything is going to be okay, babe."

I could see him visibly take a few deep breaths.

One, two and three.

One, two and three.

One, two an–

"He said he is upset at some people that were going to be attending. I don't even know who though? He was just fine with everyone earlier." Connie responded.

"Huh, that's weird. But me and Annie are going to get going. I'm dropping her off at her house." Armin started.

"Hey! What if I wanted to sleepover at your place!!"

"No, Annie your drunk. I'm taking you back to your house, sobering you up then leaving."

"Awwww, I really wanted to lay with you!" Who knew that Annie was the... clingy drunk. It made Armin flush, though me and Eren have some problems we have to deal with as well.

"Yeah, me and Eren have to go as well. I'm crashing at Carla's tonight. Too tired to go home." I talked for Eren, knowing he wanted to go home.

"Boo hoo, see Armin?? Even Mikasa gets to sleepover at Eren's and they aren't even dating!!" Annie started making up excuses to beg Armin to let her sleepover.

"Baby, that's different. Eren and Mikasa are childhood friends." Armin gave us a wink which made me roll my eyes. I could feel an Eren panic attack coming on so I really pushed the issue about us leaving.

"But Yeah! Love you all, though me and Eren are dipping." I hugged everyone goodbye and made Eren do it as well before leaving. We made it out to the driveway.

"Eren! You are NOT driving."

"WHYYYYYY" He started to get fussy with me.

"First of all, your WAY more drunk than me. Second of all, you might have a panic attack at any moment." I went into the drivers side as he got into the passengers, frowning .

I drove us home, quickly.


Just an hour after the party, Eren has finally calmed down completely. I snuggle next to him, in his bed.

I could feel us drifting to sleep as it was 1 AM.




I woke up, what seemed to be in the middle of the night. Officially done with October, it now being November 1st. I checked my phone for the time just to see 99+ notifications on imessage. I slowly opened them, not wanting to wake up Eren.

The last thing I see is that I got kicked out of a group chat. What?? It was Arlert Supremacy.

Our... group chat. I scrolled up so that I could back read on what happened. As even if you were kicked out of a group on IMessage, you could still see what they texted.


Jean- Welp, let me fucking tell you guys.

Sash'- Huh?

Connie- What are you talkin bout?

Jean- well did you guys know that...

Jean went on to explain the same thing that he texted Eren. Even adding an additional reasons list on why they should hate me and Eren.

Annie- What the fuck?

Armin- Jean... are you sure about all of this? It seems pretty out of character for Eren to try to encourage you going out with Mikasa if they were fucking.

Jean- I REMEMBER IT BY HEART. He did exactly that.


Ymir- Why the fuck would they lie like that. I believe you Jean.

Historia- Yeah no, that's fucked up. She broke your heart and now to find out she was playing you the whole time??


Sash'- guys, I kinda agree with Armin... Are you sure about this?


Sash'- I guess you're right, Ymir.

I was in shock as everyone suddenly agreed with Jean, not even having any hope. Well everyone besides Armin. He didn't say anything.

Reviewing my notifications once again, I had about 10 missed calls from Armin and checking Eren's phone, so did he.

Fuck. We just really lost almost all of our friends over ... THIS SILLY SHIT? Last night Eren literally told me what he told Jean. He basically told him no. And why are they so mad that we didn't tell them all of our business. I mean to be fair I WAS starting to feel a bit guilty but now most of them are just acting like assholes.

I wasn't expecting Sasha or Historia to agree either. Especially Sasha. She was one of the people who knew?? Why is she acting oh so surprised.

I decided that i'd tell Eren in the morning. He was already going through it last night.





I woke up actually getting a good night's rest compared to previous nights. I woke up with Mikasa at my side. I smile at the fact that she stayed in here with me last night.

I grab my phone to check the time, like usual. I read,

9 AM

On my phone until I saw an unusual occurrence of having almost 100 notifications. The most recent was about 10 missed calls from Armin. Shit. I immediately called him back.

While I was on the phone, he started freaking out.

Armin started explaining to my ignorance of what was happening. After everything was explained, my mind fell blank. A tear rolling down my face without even knowing. Armin sounded upset which so made me.

"Armin– what am I supposed to do? Like at school and EVERYTHING?" I'm surprised that my scream didn't wake up Mikasa.

"Eren, I don't know. Maybe just avoid them?"

"Easier said than done, Armin. A majority of them have many classes with me. Im gonna be a complete loner."

"Eren. It will all end up okay! Please trust me. You will get used to it and–"

"Armin, I know that you're smart and whatever but this time I'm not really believing you."

I could hear him sigh from over the phone. "Eren, if anything then trust me now. Just this once."


We eventually got off of the phone. Later one Mikasa woke up and I let her know what was going on until she cut me off.

"Ereh– I already know. I found out last night."

"And you didn't tell me? Why?" I tried not to sound too upset. Though I think deep down she knew I was.

"Im sorry Eren, I didn't want to disturb you while sleeping. To be fair, I wasn't up when it happened. I got up about 30 minutes after if happened." She grabbed my hand, showing trust.

"It's alright Mika. Just keep me in the loop, even if i'm asleep."

She kissed my forehead, "Of course babe." I felt special for just two seconds until I remembered what was going on. What were we gonna do?

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