4. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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No matter how tired I am, I refuse to sleep. No matter how scared I am of the thunder I refuse to make a sound. That is until I know Charlie is sleeping, and the thunder has stopped. When both have happened I slowly pull myself from Charlies warm body. I immediately miss his warmth, but I know I need to go now if I plan to get away with this.

As soon as I've managed to pull Charlies arms off of me I climb out of the bed and shiver. It's not cold, because it's the middle of summer but without Charlie wrapped around me I feel colder. I start to move quickly after that, only pausing once to look back at Charlie. Who has curled himself around a pillow that he probably thinks is me.

"I'm sorry Charlie." I whisper; barely speaking at all really, "But I can't stay here with you, especially not if you're going to eat me." I give him one more look and right then as he sighs my name- or the name he's given me- in his sleep, I find it hard to believe he'd try to hurt anyone. Let alone eat them. But I shake my head and keep moving.

After grabbing my bag and slipping out the door I start to walk in the direction I think I came in.

I'm not going back to my old house, with Jared.. I'll never go back to him. But maybe if I can just find any type of a human territory then I can go from there. Maybe this time instead of wandering down a path, and ending up in the woods, and then in the middle of nowhere tied to a cannibals table, I'll be able to start a new life.

I bite my lip as I look around. Trying to remember if any of this looks familiar, but I can only see trees and I'm not exactly the wilderness type so all the trees look the same to me. I sigh and take a right. Maybe this way.

As I walk I think about my day spent with Charlie. After I had realized how crazy he was I decided to just make light out of the situation. I realized that he really did make me laugh. Mostly because of how little he knew about other humans.

But no matter how much he makes me laugh, he was a cannibal, and he was holding me against my will. Just like Jared... The whole time I was there that was racing through my head. That and how I was going to escape.

I could have probably started to get away during our pine cone fight, but I knew that he was watching me. And I really was having fun.

To be honest I was really terrified of the thunder storm. That really is one of my only weaknesses. And to be honest I really was relieved when he came and comforted me.

The idea of getting away after the thunder stopped didn't even occur to me until a few minutes after we were in bed. I had closed my eyes and was pretending to be asleep as he ran his fingers through my hair. And that's when everything started to form in my head. After that I just had to wait. Charlie occupied himself with running his fingers over my back, and through my hair for about an hour- I'll admit it felt really good. By the time he was asleep the thunder was dieing down, and it was only another hour before it stopped completely. And now I'm here. Running away from someone yet again.

I groan, I'm pretty sure I've passed that same rock like ten times now. I look around and spin in a circle. I have no freaking idea where I am and by now not even Charlie will be able to find me. I'm going to die out here.

I start to panic but then I physically slap myself in the face, "Get a hold of yourself. You're not going to die. You're a smart, intelligent, top of the class student, you can figure out the freaking woods." I say to myself.

But after a few more hours, and the sun starts to come up I realize I can't. So instead- because I'm exhausted- I lay down under a tree and fall asleep.


When I wake up I immediately curl closer to Food smiling. But as soon as I do I realize that she feels a lot like a pillow and my eyes snap open. "Food?" I say sitting up.

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