THE END. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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"Oliver!" I say laughing as I throw my arms around his big moose neck.

I'm still crying when I pull away and I wipe away my tears, "Charlie!" I scream then giving Oliver one more tear filled smile I turn and as fast as I can I start running.

This is what I know, this trail. I'm pushing branches out of the way as I run still laughing and I know I should slow down because I'm klutzy and am prone to falling but I can't stop. I see the cabin and my whole body starts to shake from excitement. I burst in, "CHARLIE!"

When I get no reply I wonder if he's sleeping and I run to the bedroom. When he's not there my stomach sinks.

Then it hits me, "The pond!"

Just as fast I run out of the cabin and run down another path. My body feels like it's about to burst if that's even possible from happiness.

I burst through the last bushes and I see him, I'm gasping for air and I'm sure I'm dirty, and smelly, and look awful but I don't care.

He's laying on his back in the water when I start to walk over, I wonder why he hasn't heard me yet, but that's when I hear him laugh.

I narrow my eyes. Why is he laughing?

All of my happiness fades and anger takes over. He left me! and now here he is! Not trying to come back, not trying to find me! He's laying here like any other day and laughing! Probably happy that he got away!

I feel like ripping out my hair, but then I decide that I want to rip out his more. I storm over and wade into the water. He still doesn't even realize I'm there, so I stand over him and with all my fury built up I push him under water.

He comes up sputtering and when he rubs his eyes and looks at me they widen, "Kat!" He yells. A slow grin starts on his face and I shove him into the water again.

My jeans are slipping down my waist a little because of the newly added water weight but I ignore it.

"How dare you!" I yell when he stands back up.

Confusion takes place of the grin, "What?"

I push him again but this time he's expecting it and only stumbles a little instead of falling, "How dare you leave! Thinking that I didn't love you!"

A smile starts to form again and he touches my arms, "You love me?"

I shove his hands away, "Of course I do you moron!"

"But I thought..." He trails off.

"You thought wrong! Why didn't you ask me? Did you really think I didn't want you?"

"That last night, you were talking about how I saved you and all this other stuff, I thought you were trying to tell me to get lost in a nice way."

I hit his chest with my fist, "I was trying to say I loved you!"

"But what about Tom?" Charlie asks.

"What about him?" I'm now the confused one.

"It's obvious you like each other, I thought you wanted me to leave so you could be with him."

"I don't like him Charlie, I love you! And you just left! No 'goodbye' no nothing."

"I left a note, didn't you get it? I left it on the table."

"Of course I did."

He looks down, "Then you know that I love you?"

I'm still mad and even though his tone lowered to ask that question I'm not caving, "Yes, but that doesn't give you any right to leave. How could you be so stupid to think I was going to be happier with out you?"

Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?Where stories live. Discover now