24. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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"CHARLIE!" I yell from inside the bathroom.


"I got a surprise for you."

"What is it?" Even through the bathroom door I can hear that I've peeked his interest.

"You'll see."

I hear the doorknob jiggle and I laugh, "It's locked."

"Come out then!" He whines.

I tilt my head to the side in the mirror, "Just a second!"

"No, now."

"Say please." I wrap a towel around my torso.

"Plleeasse." He groans.

I open the door and he almost falls on me, but he catches himself. He raises his eyebrow.

I push him in the chest until he's sitting on the bed.

"What are you doing?" He asks smiling.

I let the towel drop and he laughs touching my waist, "What are you wearing?"

I blush, "A bathing suit."

He tugs at the string on my back, "Why?"

I slap his hand away, "Because we're going to the beach."

Charlies eyebrow raises again, "What?"

"Jeez you have a lot of questions." I say smiling. "And it'll be fun."

"Will it?"

"Still with the questions?" I ask. I go over to my dresser and pull out one of my dads bathing suits I took from his room earlier, "Here put this on." I throw it at him.

He frowns, "Do I have to?"

I put my hands on my hips, "Now your just getting annoying."

He laughs but walks over and kisses my lips, "Your wish is my command."

When he turns to walk towards the bathroom I smack him in the bottom lightly, "Hurry up."

He pouts in my direction, "That hurt."

I roll my eyes, "Just go change."


When he goes into the bathroom I slip a pair of shorts and a tank top over my bathing suit, and put on a pair of flip flops.

"Ready?" I ask when the bathroom door opens.

He shrugs, "Do I have a choice?"

I go onto my toes and kiss him, "Nope."

"That's what I figured."

After he puts on his sneakers I throw a shirt at him and he pulls it on. "Now I'm ready."

"Good." I grab a bag that I've filled with two towels, sun block, water bottles, and money for food later.

It takes us twenty minutes to walk to the beach and when we get there Charlie frowns, "Maybe we should go back."

I frown over at him, "Why?"

"There's so many people."

I look around and see that it's not as packed as it is on the really hot days. "It's not that bad."

"Maybe for you."

I take his hand and kiss it, "Come on, let's go swim. It'll be like at the lake."

"Except we'll be surrounded by people, and there's waves."

"Don't worry about it."

We go onto the sand and I set down my bag before pulling off my tank top and shorts.

Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?Where stories live. Discover now