22. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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I wake up to feel Kat stretching under me, she turns in her sleep with a sigh and then curls closer to me. I brush hair from her face and see that it's eight in the morning.

I had actually fully expected Jared to have come in with a vengeance by now. But I guess he's still tied up.

I unwrap myself from Kat and stand up, she immediately wiggles into the spot I had just left. I smile at her as I pull on a pair of pants.

Deciding it would be nice to make her breakfast I go down the stairs and find food. I figure it's my turn to make it for her in bed because of that first day we were here.

Inside the cabinet I find a box of pancake mix and after quickly skimming the directions, I think I can handle it. I hunt until I find a pan and a spatula then find a big mixing bowl.

After turning the oven on I let it heat up, as I grab the bowl, I dump in about half the bag not knowing how many pancakes she'll want. I add the other contents and then start to stir. I guess I put in to much mix for the bowl though because it spills over a little- or a lot. I curse as it slides from the counter onto my feet. I walk over to grab napkins and when I turn I realize I'm leaving pancake footprints behind me.

I roll my eyes as I wipe off my feet and then clean up the floor. I stand back up and wonder when pancakes became so difficult. I smell something burning and I turn to see the pan sizzling with the butter I had put on it and it starts to crack.

I walk over and steam rises and I curse again as I try to turn off the burner without getting hit with jumping butter.

I just manage to get it off when the fire alarm starts to go off.

"Shit." I groan trying to find it by sound. I just manage to find it and am waving my hands in front of it to make it shut up when Kat runs downstairs.

"What's going on?" She asks frantic, then her face scrunches up, "And what is that smell?"

I rub the back of my neck, "My attempt at making pancakes?"

She raises an eyebrow and brushes past me into the kitchen, I realize for the first time that she's wrapped in a blanket. I wonder if she's wearing anything else.

When Kat starts to laugh I make my eyes go to her face, "Charlie are you serious?"

I purse my lips, "What?"

"You didn't even get them onto the pan." Laughing harder she goes over to the pourly stirred mix, "You didn't even get it fully mixed yet and you already set the fire alarm off."

"I was letting it heat up while I mixed the batter."

She nods and starts wiping up the mix on the counter, "If you wanted pancakes I could have made them."

"I was trying to surprise you."

She smiles, "I was surprised."

I cross my arms, "I wanted to make you breakfast like you did for me."

"Next time why don't you try making me cereal."

I give her a look, "You know I can cook."

She laughs again and crosses the room, going onto her toes to kiss me, "I know you can, and thank you it was a very sweet gesture."

"A failed gesture."

"Still a sweet one."

I made a face and she sighed, "I'm going to go get some clothes on and then I'll show you how to make pancakes."

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