9. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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"FOOD! Get back here!" I yell.

I'm chasing her as she gets farther and farther away.

She's screaming her head off as she disappears into the woods.

"God damn it!" I say through gritted teeth. I have no idea how I'm ever going to catch up. I continue to run though following footprints. I can still hear her screams. Which are only freaking out Oliver even more.

It's been another week since she's been here. It took a few days for her to be able to even make the full trek to see Oliver and then another few days for me to allow her onto him alone. Today is the day I let her and it was a huge mistake.

It's not often that loud noises pierce the air so even I screamed when gun shot fired. Oliver of course started to run and it just happened to be that Food was on his back.

She was scared enough, nervous every time he moved and I wasn't there to hold onto.

I continue to run, it's a little chilly today so the cool air hurts my longs as I gasp for breathe.

"Charlie!" I hear her yell.

Food is already far away and I pick up speed. There's no way in hell I'll be able to catch up to Oliver. At this rate he'll end up out in the street before I can get to him.

"Shit." I say under my breathe. I don't know what to do. I just lost Food in the middle of nowhere.

I swear to god, if I find those idiots with the guns then I'll kill them slowly and eat them. Maybe I'll cook them alive. Hell maybe I'll eat them alive.

I hear her scream in the distance and I once again pick up speed.

"Charlie!" She yells. She no longer sounds like she's constantly getting bounced up and down and my stomach drops.

Did Oliver throw her off?

If he did she'll definitely have some broken bones. Shit shit shit.

"Food!" I yell, "Keep yelling I'm coming!"

"Charlie!" She yells every couple of seconds.

I'm running for a good ten minutes when I have to stop. I hunch over gasping for breathe; making my lungs burn. My hands are on my thighs. I stand up looking around with my hands on my sides. I don't know what to do.

I run a hand through my hair, "Food!"

I hear my name once again being called and it seems to come from all sides as it echoes through the woods.

"What do you see?" I yell.

"Trees Charlie! We're in the middle of the forest!"

She's close enough that we can communicate yet I can't see her anywhere.

For the next thirty minutes I search everywhere. I end up going around in a circle, and that's when I decide to climb a tree. Maybe once I get to high ground I'll be able to see her.

I quickly climb one and when I see a mess of blond hair I grin. But that's when I see them.

They're already carrying game as they walk through the woods. They have cameo on but for some reason they're also wearing bright orange hats. I never really understood that about poachers. If they were trying to blend in with their cameo then why would they wear the orange?

They're guns were slung over their shoulders and that's when I realize where they're heading. Even if I ran as fast as I could they would reach Food before I did.

Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?Where stories live. Discover now