16. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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"Mmm." Food sighs to my left.

I turn my head to look at her but the sudden movement makes me lose my balance and I start to sink. I stand up, the stream coming up to my chest- much higher now after all the rain.

"What?" I ask her.

The sun radiates off her face and she sighs as she floats on her back, "After a week of rain and thunder storms I missed the sun."

We already took turns actually washing up and now we're just taking a swim in our underwear. It's probably ninety degrees today and disgustingly humid.

At her comment I smile and move over to where she is, "If you're not careful you'll get sun burnt."

She shrugs, "It would be worth it."

"You won't think so tonight."

"Do you have anything to treat sunburns?"

I nod, "Yeah. I live in the woods and am constantly exposed to the sun, why wouldn't I?"

She smiles, "If you have the stuff then I'll worry about it later."

I shake my head, "That's bad logic."

Food shrugs, "Whatever."

Her eyes are closed and I wonder how she manages to float that long without sinking.

I raise an eyebrow before poking her in the stomach. Shocked her eyes fly open and she loses her balance, sinking under water.

I laugh and she comes to the surface sputtering. Food shoves me in the chest and I stagger back a little.

"That's not funny." She says annoyed.

I clear my throat trying not to laugh but the look on her face is priceless, "Yes it is." I say laughing again.

All of a sudden I feel something soft hit my chest, and arms wrap around my back as I'm tackled into the water.

I stay under until I know that Food has resurfaced and then I grab her ankle dragging her back down. I hear her scream even under water, and then I see the rush of bubbles as the air fights for the surface. I stand up quickly and when Food once again stands up she spits water at me.

"Gross!" I yell.

I splash her in the face and before I know it we're in a full out splash war. I can barely see because of all the water in my eyes when I scoop her up bridal style and throw her into the water.

I see her under the water swimming towards me and I back up only to trip over my own feet and fall. I hear a muffled sound under the water that I just know is her laughing.

I stand up and she holds up her hands breathing heavily, "Truce."

I smile, "Alright."

She sighs relaxed again and swims over to me. The water is only to my chest but it's up to Foods shoulders. When she reaches me she wraps her arms around my neck, "I think we should just stay in here all day."

I hold up my hand, "But I'm getting all wrinkly."

Food laughs and her legs wrap around my waist so that I'm holding her, "Please."

"Is there any way that I could possibly say no too you." Not a question but a statement.

She shrugs, "I hope not."

I kiss her lips and she smiles, "Does that mean we can stay?"

I nod, "Yeah. But if you get sun burnt it's all your fault."

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