12. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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I slowly reach up my hand and rub it against her cheek. I look at her lips and she smiles, "Does this mean I'm going to have to tell you my name?"

I smile, "Yes."

Food moves in and after torturing us both all day I finally press my lips to hers.

She sighs into the kiss and slowly wraps her arms around my neck. I wonder what I'm supposed to do with the hand that isn't on her face so I leave it on my knee. Then I wonder if she wants me to be touching her face. I slip my hand into her hair and then I wonder if she wants it there. Maybe I just shouldn't touch her at all.

Then again she's touching me so doesn't that mean that I should touch her in some way? I let my hand slide to her back and then I once again begin to question myself. I open my eyes and stare at the wall.

What if I'm a crappy kisser? I mean I've never kissed anyone before so how would I know? How does anyone know?

I can't breathe either. Am I supposed to breathe through my nose? Or am I just supposed to not breathe during the whole thing?

Am I supposed to be thinking this much during a kiss? Food bites my bottom lip and I'm so surprised that I jump.

She pulls away quickly, "Sorry."

My breathing is heavy and so is hers. Maybe that means you aren't supposed to breathe.

I think about walking past couples when I was younger where it looked like their lips were fused together. I wonder how much they have to kiss to get that good at holding your breathe.

"No, it's okay." I say. I rub the back of my neck and Food licks her lips.

I wonder if she can still taste me just like I can still taste her. It's not a I just ate a human taste either. But it's still just as delicious.

I clear my throat and she laughs looking at me, "Are you okay?"

"What? Yeah." I say quickly.

"You sure?"

I nod and then shake my head. Before I even start to talk I know that I should just keep my mouth shut, "No. I didn't know what to do with my hands and I couldn't stop thinking about what I was supposed to do. And what if I was a crappy kisser? How did you know if you were or weren't?" Once I start I can't stop, "I was also worried about if I was supposed to be breathing or not. And then the question of, am I supposed to be thinking this much. I couldn't concentrate because I was freaking out and I bet it was terrible. We should just go to bed and pretend that didn't happen."

I move to stand up and she grabs my arms laughing, "Charlie wait a second."

I shake my head, "Oh god you're laughing. It really was terrible wasn't it?"

She shakes her head, "No it wasn't. Calm down."

I look over at her, "Just admit it was terrible."

Food laughs again, "Maybe we should try again?"

I shake my head, "Maybe tomorrow. I don't think I can take much more tonight."

She moves so that her face is a few inches from mine. I stiffen and she laughs. She places her hands on my shoulders, "Relax."

I move to put my hands on her waist but then pull them back. Food starts to laugh again but then bites her lip, "You can touch me Charlie."

I nervously put them on her waist and then slide them up her back. I shift uncomfortable, but then she slowly leans down.

Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?Where stories live. Discover now