5. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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I’ve always enjoyed fireflies, I’ve always thought that they were beautiful. Which is why I decided to master the skill of catching them. I love watching them dance around the jar at night, right before I fall asleep.

Most nights, even if I don’t capture them I come out and watch them. They’re like little stars that you can actually touch, and take home with you.

I thought that tonight’s firefly watching and catching was going to be the same that it always is.
I would go out catch some, and then bring them inside. I’d set them on the night table and watch them as I tried to find sleep.

Of course I was wrong. First of all as soon as Food sees them she gasps and runs over, making some of them scatter. Her excitement makes me laugh.

But then she starts to let her amazement show and I start to swell with pride. In a way these fireflies are mine. They come back every night, and it’s always the same spot. So to see Food so absorbed with them makes me feel like I'm sharing a secret with her.

Which in a way I am. I’ve never had anyone living here with me- even if it’s against her will. And I’ve most definitely never ever shared my fireflies with anyone.

She starts to hum and I lean against the house watching her. I laugh as she tries to forcefully get the fireflies.

After a few minutes she turns to me frustrated, “Charlie how do you catch any of these darn things?”

I smile and walk over to her, “Do you want to know the secret?”

Food looks up at me afraid for a second but then she smiles, “Is there a secret?”

I shrug, “Maybe.”

She pouts, “Please Charlie?!”

I sigh, “Alright.”

I give her a warning look before I turn her around and very slowly wrap my arms around her until I'm holding both her hands.

She gasps lightly as my hands take hers. I wonder if that’s a good or bad thing.

“Stay very quiet.” I whisper in her ear, stirring her hair.

She turns her head and looks at me, “Okay.”
Then very slowly I lead her around the little area and start to slowly collect fireflies. I move the jar painfully slow as I capture them. But soon enough there are ten in the jar and I put the lid on.

For the first time I realize she was holding her breathe as she lets it go, “That was so cool.” She says.

“What was that song you were humming?” I ask her.

She smiles, “It’s called fireflies.”

I smile with her, “Will you sing it?”

Food nods, “Okay. But you have to help me catch more.” She says.

I grin, “Alright.”
I re-open the jar and as she starts to sing quietly we collect more fireflies.

During the whole song only one line really stands out to me- or one verse.

“To ten million fireflies
I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell
But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar”

It reminds me at first of how I feel every morning when I wake up and all I have inside my jar are little bugs that no longer look like stars. That reminds me of the morning I woke up without Food next to me. Which I realize was only today.

Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?Where stories live. Discover now