21. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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It's been a really crazy day, which is probably why I shouldn't be surprised that right now I'm hiding inside a closet. I have no idea where Charlie is and I'm terrified.

As I sit with my knees pulled into my chest and my head buried in my arms I think about everything that has lead up to this moment.

It all started out fine, Charlie and I lazily made our way from the bedroom downstairs, we had a nice breakfast and then after getting dressed we went to go see my dad. Who by now is approving of Charlie a little more. It was when we were leaving the hospital that it all started. I had at least thought that we had avoided it, but of course I was wrong.

We were leaving, when I saw him talking to the receptionist. He was leaning against the counter, elbows propped up on the top as he talked with his hands. He had sunglasses on top of his head and sadly, I saw a girl checking him out.

You can have him, I thought. Then I thought better of it, I wouldn't wish that kind of fate on anyone.

Charlie saw him too I guess because as I frantically looked around for a spot to hide he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a supply closet.

When the door closed behind us we were cramped together and his arms were around my waist, I was completely pressed against him and I could hear his breathing along with his heart beat.

"Sorry I can't move." I say quietly.

I wonder if he wants to be this intensely close to me.

He laughs straight out and to cover it a little he buries his face into my neck, "Food, do you really think I care that we're this close?" His hands slip lower on my waist- not reaching anywhere sexual, just lower- we've been closer.

I laugh with him, "I guess that's true. But it's really hot and I'm sweating and I probably smell bad."

He gives me a look, like, really? I blush and he inhales against my neck, "You smell really good actually."

I giggle as his breath tickles my skin, "Oh, okay."

Charlie smells amazing but I don't say anything. Instead I let my fingers slip into his hair as I try to entertain myself by running my fingers through it.

I don't know how long we're in there for, and I don't really care to be honest when the door opens. I don't know how much longer we intended to stay either, there's no way Jared was still at the front desk.

I jump closer to Charlie though terrified that with the light, a pair of blue eyes will be staring at me, but when I see a pair of brown eyes, and a white beard I untense.

The janitor gives us an annoyed look, "This isn't a high school, you can't be making out in janitor closets."

He grabs Charlies arm and pulls him out and he pulls me along with him.

My cheeks turn a vibrant shade of red and he sighs, "I should report you to the security."

I shake my head, "Please don't, my father stays in this hospital and I don't want to be banned."

He crosses his arms and I look at his name tag to see that his name is Steve, "Then go find somewhere else to make out, preferably not in this building."

Charlie rubs the back of his neck, "We weren't making out though."

Steve gives him a look that could only be taken as 'seriously?' I kiss Charlies cheek and take his hand, "Come on muffin pop let's let Steve get back to work."

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