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"You are enough
just as you are."

1 month later

At Kim Mansion.

Right now we all are having our breakfast. It is totally awkward for me because I haven't completely accept them same goes for Namjoon but others already have a great bond. I did have little conversation with mother and binna. Apart from that I accept them as a part of our family they are one of us the moment dad got married.

They both are really good human beings but I feel something is off. I just couldn't get what it is I could see they are trying so hard to hide something but I am just not sure. It's weird because they don't have any connection to the underworld (mafia). Dad knew them for almost 5 years he would have said if there is something.

As of now all I could do is try to start having a bond. Since dad and others don't like it when I am not trying anything. Well it is going to be hard since I am not good with it. And I can say it by their look that they both are scared of me.


Everyone is now on the way to the mall to spend some quality family time. On the way there it was just quiet, nobody talk.


They all get out of limousine one by one. After that they all entered inside the mall and decided to do shopping first. Starting from, Mrs.Kim and it goes on like that. Done with clothes shopping next on they were buying some grocery when Binna said she want to use restroom. The boys did try accompany her but she refused it saying she would be good on her own.

She then headed to a restroom which is faraway from where they are right now. Others continue what they were doing except maknae line who decided to go look out for Binna so they headed to the same direction and there was only one person who noticed them going.

After using restroom I went to wash my hand before I leave. While washing my hands I saw a person entered inside restroom and directly walk to one of the empty restroom stall. Finished washing I dry my hand first and head out of  restroom. I almost make my way out of restroom when someone suddenly pulled me to men restroom side. The person closed my mouth with his hand making my scream suppress. I was thrown to the floor with full force this made me even more scared I couldn't even scream nothing comes out of my mouth. The only thing I could think right now is run... I tried but he blocked the way.

I looked at the man with fear, every step he take forward I crawl back until my body touched the wall. I closed my eyes tightly thinking something worse could happen I wish I had accept it when oppas ask to accompany me to restroom. Tears stream down my face continuously. Suddenly I heard the man groan out of pain I opened my eyes to see the same person from ladies restroom standing tall infront of him while he is on the ground holding his stomach and with a blue black eye.

The person turned and walk towards me and held out her hand. Without wasting time I take it and stand up.

Me: thank you so much.
I said as my voice cracked but she simply nodded.

Me:can I know your na_
My question was cut short by a voice.

I turn towards the direction to see the maknae line standing infront of us and the one who screamed was jungkook.

Me:Jungkook nothing happened here,before anything could happen this person right next to me saved me.

Jimin oppa:Saved you ???
He asked confused. I started explaining everything from the beginning.When I finished it all 3 of them came and hugged me.

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