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Y/N'S P.O.V:

Since it's Saturday today I decided not to work as the COO and my PA would take care of it. Moreover, I don't think I could have stay focused on my work after what I saw last night. In fact I am disappointed with myself that I couldn't really do anything at the moment.


I went to Binna's room to look for the envelope ✉ because of how disturbed and feared she was the whole day. Walking inside silently without a noise I checked inside her bag first but nothing there. Next, I move on to her study table and the first thing that catch my eyes was the locked drawer. I used my bobby pin to open it as the key 🔑 is nowhere to be found.

There I found the letters  grabing both of it I open both and saw the message inside it.

The First Message:
What a lovely family you have there
Especially your brothers.

The Second Message:
It would be unfortunate if
Something happen to your

My blood boil 😤 seeing the message or should I say warning. How dare he gives warning letters to my sister and then using my brothers as a bait. Not wanted to burst out here I quickly place the letters inside the drawer just as before. Afterwards, locking the drawer using the same technique. Then, I walked directly to gym room to release my anger.


I can't see Binna like this anymore but I can't do anything right now. Yet, I am sure he doesn't want to hurt Binna at least that is not his intention.


Me:Good morning dad.
I said and move aside to let him in.

Dad:Morning y/n.

Dad:I am actually here to ask you something.
He said after finished looking around the room.

Me:Ask me.

Dad:Well you see your brothers want to spend time with you to get know you better.


Dad:I haven't finish talking...
I raised my eyebrow giving suspicious look.

Me:I am waiting.

Dad:Three of them are doing it in secret.

Me:I don't get the point dad also three of them ?

Dad:Let me get straight to point they can't let the others know about this because it would cause others to get dispirit and make it more difficult for everyone. Therefore, they want you to come up with a idea so they won't get caught.

Me:Ok, dad can you please inform them to get ready. Also who are the three of them ?

Dad:Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung. Of course I will inform them.

Me:Thank you dad.
With that dad take his leave from here.


I came down to the main hall to see everyone there, their attention divert to me as I walk in. I look at all of them one by one and lastly look at dad.

Me:Let's go.
I said pointing at three of them.

They quietly rose up from their seat and followed me. We was stopped by Hoseok as we reached toward the main door.

Hoseok:Where are you going along with my brothers ?
He asked me as I turn and look at him without any emotion.

Me:I am going to Botasa Temple along with your brothers.
I answered bluntly.

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