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Looking at the pile of letters, points out to me that it's been one month but I never stopped receiving the warning letters. Even so I am relieved that nothing has happen to my brothers until now. I know I can't keep telling my self that nothing would happen because I know my self, sooner or later something might happen and I know I should do something before that. After putting the letters back in the drawer I sling the bag over my shoulder and headed toward main hall.

Once I reached downstairs I followed my brothers out. Climbing inside the limousine I take a sit inside at the corner. I couldn't stop thinking about the warning letters... causing my mind running wild at moment. Tears prick my eyes blurring my visions as a drop fall down.

Hoseok oppa who was next to me noticed it and take me into a hug causing others attention to turn toward us.

Jin oppa:Binna, are you hurt or something ?
Oppa asked with nothing but care to which I just shook my head.

Taehyung oppa:Then what happened Binna ?
Oppa asked with concern.

Me:Oppas you all wouldn't leave me right ?
I choked out the words while letting my tears fall down my face.

Them:We would never leave you.
They replied even if they were shocked with my question out of blue.

Me:Promise me ?
I asked for a promise.

Them:We promise you.
Their promise caused me to calm down. It helped me to gain my confidence that nothing would happen to them.



A month has passed and my bond with them three is stronger than ever. It was an extraordinary month with them as we spent our time talking, reading, and playing indoor games. Three of them showed me something that I have never get to enjoy in my childhood.... a siblings bond.

I pressed the doorbell button  to inform my arrival.
The door was opened by Lisa who gave me a bright smile.

Lisa:Unnie I missed you.
She said while hugging me as I caressed her hair.

We both walks toward main hall to see everyone there looking tired as they just finished University half an hour ago. Lisa take her sit at the same spot as before and I take my sit at the single couch.

Me:Be ready for tonight kids.
I informed.

Them:Of course we will unnie/noona & boss.
They replied.

Me:Anyways Daehyun, how is your uni life ?

Daehyun:It is really good and thank you so much for helping me.
He said to which I gave a small nod and whispered a "welcome".

Taehyun:Talking about University something happened today.
He said in a shocked filled voice.

Me:What happened ?


It was last period class going on at the time. Once the bell ranged we were dismissed we all was walking through the hallway when we saw a group of students gathering at one place. After reaching at the front we saw the bullies ganging up against a girl named Lily but the strange thing was she is the quietest girl in uni. Lily was repeatedly apologising to them for what reason we was not aware of.

In a flash, one of the bully harshly grabbed her hair and pulled it. Lily was screaming in pain but no one dare to step in and stop it as they fear for being targeted next. Minutes passed but still no one try to stop it so we decide to step in as Yeonjun hyung take a step forward to stop them but out of nowhere the bully's hand was hold by someone. We all turned to look at the person and was shocked to see Jungkook there. He gently removed the hold of the bully from Lily's hair and pushed her lightly behind him.

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