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It's been 1 week after the incident there was argument between Mr.Kim and Mrs.Kim but it's all solved now. They all returned to their normal self. That's all until yesterday because y/n moved in yesterday afternoon. Since y/n was busy with unpacking and organising things she didn't have dinner with them.

Right now it is 5:00 in the morning and everyone is asleep except y/n who woke up just few minutes ago.


After waking up the first thing I did was brushed my teeth and washed my face. After that I head to the gym room and started stretching up before begin my gym routine.

Which is Barbell Squats, DP Bent Over Rows, Weighted Jackknife, Romanian Deadlift, Barbell Military Press and Barbell Hip Thruster (3 sets of 15 reps) also Dp Bicep Curls, One Leg Cable Kick Backs, Triceps Flick Backs and Weighted Bulgarian Split Squats (3 sets 15 reps per side).

After that I move on to the punching bag before that I wrapped my hands  with wraps and put on the boxing gloves. With that I started 20-minutes punching bag workout.

Warm-up & Jab, cross, and squat & Cross punches (dominant side) & Cross punches (non-dominant) & Side kick-punch combo & Lunge, kick, and jab, cross & Hooks (dominant side) & Hooks (non-dominant) & Burpee with pushup, straight punches, and hooks with 15 seconds rest after each of it.

Finally finished with the workouts I went to my room and sat down on my bed taking rest while drinking a bottle of warm water. After a couple of minutes I decided to take cold shower. Almost after 1 hour of shower I dressed up and went downstairs.

As I heard some sound from dining room I went inside to see all of them there. I walks toward the empty chair which is the other end of the table and sit there.

Me:Good Morning. (Calm tone)
I greeted them Morning y/n.
He greeted back.

Few female servants start to serves the food for everyone. I said a small thank you to her as we all digged in. I can sense glares towards me but I simply ignore it not wanting to make issues early in the morning. As we finished up the breakfast Mr.Kim asked everyone to gather in the living room.


All of them already seated on the couch, I walk and made myself comfortable on the single couch.'s spend our time together since you guys are free today.
He stated excitedly.

Mother:But buts.

Namjoon:What are we going to do?
He questioned.'s watch movies together.
He said and started walking upstairs without giving anyone a chance to talk. We all followed behind him since we don't have a choice.


Inside theatre room
They all were watching a movie (Extreme Job) except y/n who's gaze at her family with lot of affection. Their laughter that filled the room, a bright smile on all of their faces and their eyes that shows their happiness.

Few minutes later, y/n turned and continued to watch the movie until she felt someone staring at her though she already know who it was, she still turned to see the person. As she turned to her left she saw her sister staring at her. Y/n sighed before she slowly stand up and leave from there as she doesn't want to disturb their happy time. She came out from there and walks directly to her room. She closed the door after she entered inside. She walked to the balcony and took out her phone from her back pocket to dail someone.

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