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A moment lasts for seconds but the memories lasts forever.


They shouted together making me go deaf.

Ignoring them I take my seat at the usual spot.

Me:Good morning dad.
I greeted him.

Dad:Good morning y/n.
He greeted back.

Dad:Wait did you just said dad ?
He asked as realisation hit him and I nodded saying yes.

All of sudden dad rose up from his seat and sprinted toward me. I stood up when he came next to me as he embraced me. I was frozen on my spot engulfed by so many emotions nonetheless I return the hug after realising that I am getting a fatherly affection after ages. This feeling right now I couldn't really explain about it but I decided to enjoy it while they last.

Dad:Y/n you don't know how happy I am right now.
He said beaming which explains his happiness.

Me:I am sure you are on cloud nine dad.
I replied as he shake with laughter.

Mother cleared her throat gaining attention from both of us.

Dad:Yes Hana do you have something to say ?

Mother:Nothing, just cleared my throat.

Dad:Yeah, right of course you did.
He said sarcastically.

Dad:Are you busy today ?

Me:I am free for the rest of the day.

Dad:Father - daughter date ?
He asked with full of excitement.

Me:Sure dad.
I answered calmly.

Dad:Yay! Go get ready.
He said and runs out from the dining room.

Thought: "What just happened ?"
Thinking that I walk out from here to my room to get ready.


I walk toward my wardrobe and started looking for the perfect outfit for today. When I come across this specific blouse which caught my attention. I decided to wear it with a matching skirt that would go with it. Getting changed quickly then I decided to style my hair.

Standing in front of my dressing table I adjusted my outfit and grab a comb. After untangled my hair I style my hair into half up side french braid. I complete my outfit with simple jewellery.

Stepping out from my room I saw dad walking toward staircase. I followed him and take a look at him.

Me:You look handsome dad.
I appreciate him.

Dad:You look gorgeous too my daughter.
He said smiling brightly.

Me:Where are we going dad ?

Dad:Name a place.

Me:Let's go to Namusairo Coffee.

Dad:Good place.


What's even happening here... father - daughter date. Why does she always take away everything from me ? . No I won't give up now... not this time... I will win this time.

Hoseok oppa:Binna, get down from the limousine we have reached.

Me:Yeah coming oppa.

We all went on our separate ways to our classrooms.

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