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I dressed up after getting a shower in the morning. I still have time so I don't have to rush to go to University. Sitting on my bed I recall yesterday's meeting with y/n... why is she so mysterious ???. I can't judge her not even a little but one thing I am sure about she is not a terrible person.

I take a look at the clock as it reads 6:30 I decided to wake up the boys and Binna. After waking up them I went back to my room and came out with my phone and bag. I headed downstairs and wait for others soon one by one everyone come down and the last person was Jimin. We all headed to dining room and waited for female servants to start serves us but I noticed that y/n is still not here. We all digged in after getting served a healthy and tasty breakfast.


We all went outside to see limousine waiting for us without wasting time we all get inside the limousine. Arriving there we walked inside the University and go on our separate ways. Namjoon and I entered inside the class and sat down at our place.

Me:Namjoon, what do you think about y/n ?
I questioned him.

Namjoon:Hyung I can't judge... she seems to be mysterious.
I simply nodded and just as he finished the Miss entered the class.



It is recess time for everyone as students filled inside the canteen. The boys sits together whereas Binna is with her friends. The boys were talking and making fun of each other except one person which is Jimin.

Taehyung:Hyung what happen why are you sad ?
He asked Jimin which caused others to look at Jimin but Jimin stay silent.

Jin:Jimin what happen ?

Jimin:Binna cried yesterday night.

Hoseok:Why did she cried ?

Jimin:Because she miss her father.

Namjoon:Explain everything in detail.


It was almost 11:00 P.M. as I went to look for my earphone walking past Binna's room I heard sniffling sound coming inside her room. I stopped walking and wait outside her room just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Confirming it was coming from her room I knocked the door as she opened after few minutes.

I saw how red and puffy her eyes was from crying so much. I went inside her room as she followed me after closing the door. She tried her best to hide the fact that she just cried.

Me:Binna, I am here with you.
Just as I said that she burst out crying and the only thing I could do was hug her. Few minutes later she slowly started to open up.

Binna:Oppa, I don't even remember his face I have only saw him in pictures. I was very young when died and growing up I never get father's love and never know how it feels. I always wish that I could see him one last time, talk with him one last time, hug him one last time, and hear his laughter one last time but those will never happen.
She said as tears streams down her cheeks and I hugged her tightly reassure her that everything is going to be ok.

After that I lead her to bed and waited there until she slept.


Jimin:We shouldn't have asked her about Mr.Yoon.

Hoseok:We should apologise to her.
Others nods agreeing.


They reached home and decided to fresh up first before gathering back at main hall. After a quick shower they all gathered back at the main hall and decided to wait for Binna. Few minutes later Binna come and joined them as she passed a small smile to them.

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