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Few thing changed after that unpleasant day but it wasn't really hard for me as there was one person who helped me and stayed by my side from that day. It was y/n noona, she stayed by my side and supported me without any evidence. That day I realised noona is an amazing sister anyone could wish for. I felt so guilty for the way I have treated her but even so she forgave me and treat me better. Since from that day we become close and I promise to myself, I will trust noona and support her no matter what happens here after.

Also, Jin hyung apologised the day after and I could never stay mad at him not only because he is my brother but also because of the way he apologised.


That next day I woke up felt too tired to do anything but I was forced to bath by Jimin hyung and Taehyung hyung. Done with my morning routine I was dragged out from my room to dining room. The breakfast was cooked by Jin hyung so he did all of my favourite meals. I sat on my usual spot and noticed that y/n noona is missing but then I  remembered she mostly won't have breakfast with us.

Binna:Are you okay Jungkook ?
She whispered asked me as  she was sitting to my right side.

Me:Yes, I am ok.
I replied.

Jin hyung served everyone  and finally once he came next to me he served me the right amount of breakfast I would always eat. Finish serving he take his sit at his seat and serve himself as well. Dad and mom was there too but the thing is the environment was really awkward. No one talk as they all eat in silence which actually caused more awkwardness.

After breakfast we all went to living room. Once we sit down all the lights went off as a video started playing on television. The video's intro was "I AM SO SORRY MY NAMDONGSAENG". After that, the video contained with pictures of me along with my brothers and dad. The video comes to end with a picture of me and Jin hyung from childhood hugging each other.

My eyes stayed glued on television screens as all the childhood memories with my brothers floods back.  After a moment, the lights are on as I turn toward others I noticed y/n noona was there. But my attention turn toward Jin hyung who came in front of me.

Jin hyung:Hyung is so sorry Jungkook, I know sorry would not make you forget what happened yesterday and it won't take away your pain but I will make it up to you just ask anything you want... I promise I will do it... please forgive me.
Hyung went on his knees as he apologise I could hear the pain and sadness in his voice.

Me:Hyung I forgive you, just promise me you won't do anything like that again ?
I went on my knees as I hug him and whisper into his ear.

Jin hyung:Jungkook, I promise you I would never repeat my mistake... I am so sorry Jungkook, ask me anything you want I will do it.
Hyung's voice break as he hug me. I could feel tears wetness on my shoulder.

Me:Don't cry hyung.
I said as I released the hug and wipe his tears.

I look up to see almost everyone was crying except y/n noona who gives me a thumbs up as I smile a little.

Jin hyung:Come let's go.
Hyung said and dragged me to dining room.

I was so shocked to see a cake there. "I am sorry" was written on the top of the cake.

Me:Is this for me ?
I asked pointing at the cake as I received a nod for hyung.

Me:Thanks hyung.
I said and cutted the cake with a knife and place it on plate.

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