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The mansion was unusually quiet as we both walk inside. The boys are sitting on couch at hall quietly as they all look upset. Taehyung turn towards me as he noticed their feelings to which I shrug my shoulder with uncertainty.... but whatever it is, it has to be something huge as it have effect on Jin. I quickly walk toward staircase as Taehyung follows me behind.

Taehyung:Shouldn't have we checked on them ?
He asked raising his eyebrow.

Me:We should but before that go take a shower first.
I replied as he nod and dashed toward his room.


I heard Binna's crying as I walked past her room but didn't go in after hearing another voice comforting her which belongs to mother. I left from there quickly as it is already dinner time. Entering inside the dining room I can see the boys are there already. Soon enough dad, mother along with Binna joined in and for some reason the aura here is very unpleasant and unusual.

I turn to look at Taehyung who is already looking at me as we share a look... confused. Eating quietly is not new thing for me but seeing no one is talking today makes me feel uneasy... I wander my eyes to see all of their face and observe them trying to connect the dot but nothing make sense. And lastly I looked at dad as I noticed so many emotions running in his eyes and he look so stressed. I clear my throat grabing everyone's attention but I avoid them and keep looking at dad.

He trailed off.

Me:Yes dad, what happened ?
I asked in my usual calm tone.

Dad:We both will be leaving to UK in two days.
He said pointing toward mother and just as he finished saying that Taehyung shoot a confused look toward dad and the others look even more sad.

Me:What is the purpose dad ?

Dad:Business deal.

Me:For how many days ?

Dad:It might take 2 to 3 weeks.

Me:Is anyone of them accompanying you and mother ?
I asked pointing toward the boys.


Me:Can't it be done by your COO ?

Dad:No y/n, the deal is very important so I have to be there.
I stare at dad for few more seconds and finally nod.

Me:Fine dad it seems like you had think through this very well.
I said as dad nodded agreeing with my statement but the look on his face says that he is not happy with the decision as well.

Me:But... promise me, you call on your free time and you both will stay safe ?

Dad:I promise you y/n.

The dinner soon come to an end as we all left from there one by one. After that, I went my room and take out my other phone as I message to one of  my made man.


Me:Book a ticket to UK in two days.
I ordered.

Man:Okay Boss.

Me:Also take one more person with you and I will send you details about the mission later.

Man:Okay Boss.

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