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Me:Let's go and be careful both of you.
I insisted in low voice.

Yoongi & Taehyung:Ok noona.
They replied.

With that I hacked the surveillance cameras around the mansion and quickly made my way to balcony as I switfly skip down the rope. After that I wait for them to come down and just as they did I signal them to follow me behind. The three of us silently move along the bushes without getting notice by any guards. Then, we successfully made our way out of the mansion as I lead them to the nearby park and waited for the car. Few minutes later my driver came and get down from the car as he bowed to me.

Me:Thank you.
Saying that I made my way to the car as the two follow me behind.


Me:He had started his plan just like we  expected.

Taehyun:When would he take his next move ?

Me:When he gets a chance.

Me:Even if he had already started his plan doesn't mean he would do it without any break.
I added.

Yoongi:Does that mean he won't do anything for a while.

Me:Yes, but we have to be ready for anything as far as I can predict he wouldn't hesitate to kill someone if he feel something suspicious.

Rose:What if he find out about the trap we made with Daehyun's false whereabouts ?

Me:He wouldn't after all the person who is there in the place of Daehyun is smart.

I took out my phone as I dail a person who is currently in Japan within two rings the person pick up the call. I put the call on a speaker so everyone present in the room could hear the conversation.


???:Boss do you need something ?

Me:Yes, tell me how the mission is going ?

???:I am playing hide and seek with his man.

Me:That's good.

???:I even made the person you want mad so I am sure he will stay behind alone to catch me.

Me:I know you was the right person for this.

???:Thank you boss and I would never let you down.

Me:I know that but be careful.

???:Sure boss.

Saying that I end the call after he respond.

Me:As you all heard everything is going perfectly fine there.

Kai:But wouldn't he get suspicious with the attack we did last time ?

Me:Have you all heard the news about the venomous gang ?

Soobin:Isn't it the small gang which has abolished ?


Jennie:The one that you want to wipe out ?


Beomgyu:Wait don't tell me you have something to do with ?

Me:I pinned the attack on that gang so that he won't be after us.

Jisoo:Wow! Kill two birds with one stone.

Me:For now I think that's all also Daehyun make sure you be extra careful whenever you are out.

Daehyun:Sure boss.

Me:And you two ( Yoongi & Taehyung )  have few things to do make sure nobody knows about it at Kim mansion.
Saying that I explained further to them about their task.




Me:I will be off to my work dad.
I said after gulping down the last meal on my plate.

He said worries dripping out from his word.

Me:I have too dad I can't take leave as I have an important meeting.
I stated I as pass a assuring smile to him.

Dad:Then take one of them with you.
He said pointing to the boys.

Me:Who wants to come with me ?
I asked as all 4 of them raise their hands.

Namjoon:I will go with noona because I can protect her better.
He stated with confidence causing Jungkook to scoff and reply.

Jungkook:I am sure that you know who is the better protector hyung.

Yoongi:Noona can protect her self very well but I will be the one going with her cause she like my company better than you all.
He said staring sharply at the other three.

Taehyung:I am going with noona and that's final because I have to go somewhere too.
He declared as he rose up from his seat and start walking towards the exit.



Me:Did you get a chance to take it ?

Taehyung:Yes noona, here.
He said passing me a ring box.

I pull out a pendant box from my handbag and walk toward the safe locker and kept it inside along with the ring box.

Taehyung:They won't be able to find out right ?

Me:They won't and thank you Taehyung.

Taehyung:Welcome noona but I have a question.
I nodded giving him permission to go on.

Taehyung:Why did you replace mother and Binna's jewellery with fake one ?

Me:Because I have tracker on it.

Taehyung:But this one have tracker as well.
He stated pointing to the pendant he have around his neck.

Me:They throw it away.

Taehyung:What ?
He said flabbergasted out of shock as I nod.

Me:I know this would happen.

Me:Let's go back home it already late.

Words count:826

I apologise for late update and short chapter I know this isn't much but I am sorry... also thank you so much for your support ❤



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