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Their behaviour is your answer."



She yelled in anger.

Others look more confused except Binna who is frightened as tears run down her cheek. Mr.Kim hold mom's hand trying to control her anger which he succeed.

Mom:Answer me why did you come back in our life again? Are you here to ruin our life again was you not satisfied last time.
She fumed as her eyes show hatred and hatred only.

Me:Mom lis-
I couldn't complete when mom interrupted.

Mom:I am not your Mom you don't deserve to call me mom I surely didn't gave birth to a disgrace like you.
She exclaimed bluntly. "Ouch!,That really hurts"
But I maintain with my emotionless face.

Me:MOTHER... I am not here to ruin your life. If that's what you are thinking then you are wrong.
I spoke seriously with a emotionless face.

Mother:You jus-
She couldn't complete her sentence as Mr.Kim interrupted her .

He yelled disappointed by her act. it come back to your senses.
He continued.

As mom look around and noticed Binna's state she pulled Binna into hug and started comforting her. The boys all looked worried seeing Binna but as they turned to my direction they glare at me. can I talk with you in private?
I request to mr. Kim ignoring their glares., follow me.
He said as he lead the ways before going up the stairs. I turned to look at Binna who is now calm but she pass me a look with full hatred.

At meeting room

We walk into the meeting room as closed the door after I entered. We both take our seats as I take a look around the meeting room. We both stay silent looking at each other and observe each other's moves. you her biological daughter?
He break the silence and asked doubtfully to which I nodded as a response.

Mr.Kim:Then why is she behaving like that ?
He asked skeptically. I am sure you already know everything about my dad.
I stated with full of confident to which he nodded.

Me:Then you must also know that my mother wasn't aware of anything about him and.... you.
I added which caused his eyes widened at realisation.

Mr.Kim:Who are you and how do you know about me ?
He ordered to me getting suspicious but I simply shrug my shoulder.

Me:Mother's behavior towards me is simply because she thought and still is thinking I am the reason for my dad's death.
I answered with blank face in neutral tone. looked shocked by the answer as he knew how my dad's died.

Mr.Kim:Why don't you tell her the truth?
He asked.

Me:There is no point she won't believe me .
I replied toneless. least give it a try.
He said hopefully. here with us and prove your innocence and I will help you with it.
He added with warm smile on his face.

Me:Thank you so much for letting me stay here but I don't want you to help me because your relationship with mother will get ruin if you help me.
I replied calmly.

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