Chapter 2

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I wake up in the morning and get into the shower. When I got out, I began to get dressed and went down stairs to eat cereal. As I went outside I realized there was a navy blue Dodge Challenger outside the mansion. I walk up to the car and realized there was a note behind the windshield wipers and behind the note there were keys. I got the keys and read:

"Hey Lauren, detective Adams called me this morning saying that he sent people to drop off cars for us. We got new cars! Anyways, see you at school. -Rih
P.s if I were you, I would stop by Starbucks and get coffee so you can look more like a teacher you know. "

I laughed at the last sentence. I got in my new car and drove to Starbucks. After I ordered my coffee, I drove straight to school. I arrived to school and began looking for a parking spot when I suddenly remembered! 'MY GUN!' I gasped out loud, remembering Detective Adams' orders about having my gun with me at all times. I immediately drove out of school and began driving back to my current home.

Camila's POV

I arrived to school and went straight inside to look for my friends.

"Hey Camila!" Dinah, Normani, and Ally said in unison.

"Hey guys, have you guys seen the new teacher yet?" I asked my friends.

"No, I dont think she's here yet." Ally shrugged.

"Well I'm glad Mrs. Subia got transferred to another school." I say with relief.

"Yeah! This past month of school has been hell for all of us." Dinah rolls her eyes.

"I just hope our new teacher doesn't turn out a bitch like Mrs. Subia." Normani says while putting books inside her locker. We all nod in agreement.

"Hey look you guys." Ally says pointing to a caramel skinned girl with beautiful red hair. She walked inside school wearing sunglasses. She was looking around like she was lost.

"Im gonna go talk to her, Ill be back." Normani says smiling. Well all nodded and saw Normani approach her. It didn't surprised us that Normani wanted to talk to a stranger. She was a social butterfly and actually enjoyed getting to know new people. 

We saw as they were both walking towards us. As soon as they were next to us, the girl took off her sunglasses revealing her pretty green eyes.

"Hello, my name is Ally, this is Dinah, Camila -" "And I'm Normani." She interrupts Ally.

"My name is Rih- .... Laurel.... Laurel Anderson." She tells us, sounding nervous for some reason.

"You have an accent. Where are you from?" Dinah says out of nowhere. I elbow Dinah for her carelessness. She looks at me and gives me a 'what did i do' look but then turns around whenLaurel begins to talk.

"I was born in Barbados. It's a small island. But then I moved to the United States. That's why i have a Caribbean accent. Most people mistake it for Jamaican." Laurel smiles, revealing her straight, white teeth. This girl was really attractive. 

"Oh well it sounds cool!" Ally admires her accent.
"What's your first class?" I ask kindly. "It says I have Mrs. Subia." She says looking down at her schedule .

"WE All HAVE HER! But she's not our teacher anymore, we're having a new teacher today actually, because Mrs. Subia got transferred to another school." Normani tells Laurel.

Laurel suddenly makes a weird expression, almost as if she's trying to hold in laughter. The bell rings, causing me to ignore Laurel's odd expression. We all walked to class and sat in out seat. Normani signaled Laurel to sit next to her since she had an empty desk next to hers. I began talking to Dinah who happened to sit next to me.

"How do you think our new teacher is going to be?" I asked her curiously. 

"I don't know but I feel like she's gonna be one of those old grumpy ladies with a bitchy attitude." Dinah says rolling her eyes.

"I know, but hopefully she isn't as bitchy as Mrs. Subia." I tell her.

"Yeah, by the way where is she? The whole class is here except for her." She notices while looking around.

"I guess it's free period then !" I exclaim excitedly. "That would be a dream come true!" Dinah says dramatically.

Dinah and I were talking when suddenly we heard like someone was running to our classroom. I saw a girl enter the room holding bags that contained wait looked like school work. As she entered she said breathing heavily, " Sorry I'm late guys." She turned around and wrote her name on the board. "My name is Laur - ....Ms. Jauregui. When she turned around she removed her hair from her face. Once she removed it I was mesmerized at the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. She has the most beautiful emerald green eyes. She has literally NO FLAWS. I didn't realize how intently I was staring at her until Dinah elbowed me. Which caused me to look at her. She then leaned down towards the floor and pretended to pick something up. "Here's your jaw, you kinda dropped it when Ms. Jauregui walked in." Dinah said sarcastically. I gave her a glare which caused her smirk. "Okay I'm going to take roll so say 'here' when I call your name." Ms. Jauregui said.

Lauren POV

I went in running inside the classroom. I caught a glimpse of Rihanna sitting in the front row of the classroom. She was trying so hard not to laugh out loud. I can definitely tell that she was enjoying this. I simply gave her an angry look which made her turn even more red due to how much laughter she was holding in. I introduced my self and almost gave away my real name. I then began taking roll.

"Jacob Addens?" I called out. "I will always be here for you babe." Jacob said biting his lip and winking. "Not if I kick you out of my classroom." I responded raising an eyebrow completely annoyed. Everyone began laughing and making fun of him. I continued to out several names on the list.

"Laurel Anderson?" I called out looking at Rih. "Here Laur -Ms. Jauregui." She responded, widening her eyes at her almost slip up. I gave her a nervous glare. This is the second time I almost blew my cover.

"Ally Brooke Hernandez?" I continued taking roll. "Here." The short girl said with a smile. "Normani Kordei?" "Here" she responded and started talking to Rih who was currently sitting next to her.

"Dinah Jane Hansen?" "Here." She said with a bored face. "Camilla Cabello?" I called out and looked up from my clipboard. "It's pronounced Cameela." She corrected with a sweet voice from the back of the room.

I looked to see who spoke. When that girl looked up, I felt the entire world freeze. I've never seen anyone so beautiful in my entire life. As the girl sat up straighter, I was able to see her perfect face. I was able to look into her eyes, even if she was further away from where I was. I began feeling nervous as she stared back at me. She was just so beautiful and breath taking. My thoughts where interrupted by Rih clearing her throat loud enough so that the whole classroom heard. When I came back to reality I realized that everyone was staring at me intently.

"Umm I- I'm sorry, Camila." I said stuttering, causing Rih to laugh quietly to her self. WAIT! I dont stutter!! What the hell is happening to me!

"It's fine Ms. Jauregui." Camila or should I say, the angel fallen from heaven, said. 

As I finished taking roll, I offered,"Does anyone want to take the attendance to the office?"

"Oooh I want to take it!" Yelled out the girl sitting next to Camila. I think her name is Dinah. I walked up to her desk and handed her the paper. When I handed her the paper I couldn't help but stare at Camila. Damn! She looked even prettier closed up.

I just stared into her brown eyes. I was starting to drift off again but then Dinah slightly pulled on the attendance paper causing me to snap out of it.

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